The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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thU SPRINGIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN: JULY 5 1925 are Service to Pittsfield Sirs NORTHAMPTON BOY DEAB the GETS ARIS DIVORCE A SAVE but a short distance 5' for the is We Cut the Lowest Retail Prices! 3 Simmons I 100 MATTRESS MATTRESS Take one on your vacation mt MATTRESS fi Portable IP Wi i' $24 98 bear who Music i or Dan zing 234 MAIN ST JUST ABOVE THE ARCH Deferred Payments 1 iS JTTi set In is one late took gold and the it be ap by superb felt a 99 both exqui art at dur Latest Records 49e LAYER ELT BED SPRINGS de of Any Mat Bed You since have our sign well from If Purchased with Mattress and Bed Berkshire trail route opens up wonderful scenic country and no doubt be a very popular trip summer visitors in this section trip is made in about 24 allowing tor a stop over at aw $3750 Imperial Edge White COTTON $29jo SHANGHAI MIXING BUT NOT A MELTING POT the by Kipling two volume the fact Last probably means in the political I Charles Me tho Democratic huge steel and wooden every port on the globe like Venice is a city upon piles sunk far into NOT GUILT1 Vidrolas Columbias Sonoraa During This Sale When those chil the schools by as experts are vacation afford better informed 4 meeting of the Roy Veterans of oreign were given of the dele state encampment at out the additional requirements of the proposed law unlicensed busses HEALTH CAMP HAS STRONG APPEAL Your choice at one third off regular price of 3 large sizes in this good comfort able layer felt mattress 4 ft 6 in: 4 ft 3 ft 6 in Heavy striped ticking diamonds from the the also of pearls President at Swampscott has been an attempt on certain political writers to house Rev Edward Brad the Episcopal church will of Burial will be in the air cemetery tools were left the robbers The crime was carefully planned operating an unlicensed usually of and there lines which have ier fines to be imposed in numbers continuing Value of Work Appreciated in Community Another New Bus Line Opened for the the en CHRISTMAS TREE KING DEAD AT LEE HOME 480 MAIN ST Walnut 496 Pick Out tress and Want This Spring with Them Only VACATION SEEKERS AT SHELBURNE ALLS Seattle Wash July 4 (AP) After contention all week between modern ists and fundamentalists a compro mise resolution was adopted here to day in the 19th annual meeting of the Northern Baptist convention At this result delegates leaped to their feet shouting and singing Tn a conference outside the meet ing modernists and fundamentalists agreed upon a resolution declaring the beliefs of the Baptist church to be fixed by the Bible but omitting men tion of Park avenue Baptist! church of New York city consequent upon a controversy between modern ists and fundamentalists in that de nomination last year at Indianapolis Judge reeman of Denver who had led a fight to have the Park COURT DECISION DEATH KNELL Most of Long Distance Lines i Will Have io Cease Opera tion avenue church declared out of har mony with the Baptist denomination announced: will introduce an amendment to the bylaws specifying that a Baptist church necessarily is one that believes in New Testament fundamentals and baptism by immer sion After the compromise resolution was adopted Dr Cornelius Woelfkin whom osdick is to succeed at Park avenue was unanimously elected to the minis and benefit board Woelfkin had been under attack for approving osdick MANY EVENTS TO INTEREST PEOPLE GREENIELD Camden has a police horse that carries a tail light The horse is used by a mounted patrolman and has been bruised several times by being struck by machines whose driv ers who did not see the animal Opening Made Through Ceil ing and Priceless Relics In cluding St Ring Springfield Holyoke Providence Clarence Clapp 64 Suc cumbs After Brief Illness uneral Today Lee July Clarence Clapp 64 died at midnight last night at his home on Bradley street afer an illness of two weeks with complication of diseases He was born in Lee and educated in the Lee schools He was known as the Christmas Tree King as each year he shipped thousands of these trees to the cities previous to which he worked 20 years as a paper maker for the Smith Paper company Mr Clapp is survived by his widow and three daughters Mrs Ed ward Kline Mrs Hartley and Miss Hattie Clapp all of Lee The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 at the ley of ficiate mount to prevent the transportation that railroad trans fer the quality mattress toil levered sltcly ticking Soft and luxuriously restful is this fine quality silk floss mat tress 103 pure Java Kapok used for filling Handsome art ticking ull size only Regu larly $3500 IS 3 The beautiful and artistic ticking of this Simmons Mattress commands in stant admiration All cot ton filling Your choice of any standard size Rome July 4 (AP) The Stefan! news agency says thieves stole sev eral priceless relics from the treasury room of St Peter's last night and escaped The thieves made an opening through the ceiling and entered the second treasury room of St by using a rope ladder They car ried away numerous precious objects including St Peter's ring set with a great sapphire and diamonds and a gold ciborium (the coffer in which the host is kept) studded with and rubies This was a gift archbishop of Orleans to Pope Pius IN The robbers a complete altar service adorned with diamonds other precious stones The authorities believe the thieves must have been familiar with the location and contents of the room be cause of the way in which they entered and because of their selection of the choicest objects The police are searching for the criminals The rope ladder electric torches and a kit of hind by patently experts The police have made seven ar rests including four painters and two laborers who have worked in St Peter's and another laborer Giovanni Bellini who slept in a room near the scene of the crime Bellini denies any knowledge of the crime He says he slept undisturbed last night ACearby residents say they saw throe prowlers and heard an automobile during the night Good Strong Resilient Wishbone abric Spring Books Stationery Pictures the largesttore of Its kind In Xew England within the state will to lines railroad The in passing ruinous IN New Haven Worcester all River THIEVES GET HAUL ROM ST Many Visitors in Town Cool Weather Has Retard ed Camping rom Our Special Correspondent Shelburne alls July 4 The real vacation season is now here and many strange faces are to be seen about town During the months of July and August the arrival of the summer boarders is one of the expect ed things and they are delighted to journey about the town both by auto mobile and walking Terrace Top on Mechanic street is one of the favorite places for the summer boarders and many return there year after year so pleased are they with both the home and the town Buckland is having her share of summer guests also as well as Ashfield and other nearby towns There seems to be a smaller number than usual going to camping places and the cold weather is be lieved responsible for this condition The travel over the trail is not con gested as is usual at this time of the year but heavy traffic is expected over the week end especially as this week end includes a holiday The 4th of July has been celebrated by the younger generation ever Tuesday here The fireworks been on sale since that time places displayed the fireworks this year and all have been patronized judging by the noise morning until night Special police officers were sworn in in order to keep the peace as far as possible on the when almost any sort of antics are expected from some of the young men in the village The honor which came to Charles $7500 HAIR Mattress class all motor busses in business between points the state and without licenses local authorities probably the death knell of most of the Some of them rank Altlmari 16 Heart Disease! Victim uneral Tomorrow Moru Ing Northampton July 4 rank marl 16 son of Mr and Mrs A A1 timari of 14 Valley street died this afternoon of heart disease He wasl a pupil of Smith Agricultural school' He leaves besides his parents two sisters Rose and Virginia and three brothers John Pasquale and Angelio The funeral will be held at the home Monday morning at 8 followed by a service in St church at 9 Burial will be in St cemetery a Paris July It is that a divorce was granted June 25 to Mrs Harvey Dow Gibson wife of New York banker who was formerly! Miss Carrie Hastings' Curtis of New! tonville Mass She married Mr Gib" son June 10 1903 i different ways that the author of the Butler suggestion must have been at a loss for ideas when he put it forth In the first place his present home is within a throw of that of his closest friend rank YV Stearns where he has frequently visited in the past These visits have made the President thoroughly familiar with the locality and have caused him to legard it highly as a place for rest He likes the seashore particularly the rugged sort which White Court furnishes He wanted to be in Massachusetts his home state and he wanted to be within easy journey of Plymouth Vt for he has long realized that the health of his father was not all that could be desired and he has dreaded the effect of the sum mer heat on the aged man Swampscott was found to only spot which supplied all sires of tW President and selected as the summer capital for that reason rom Our Special Correspondent Greenfield July Coming events for the week allow plenty of recrea tion and pleasures for all Monday the summer playground work will be started for the sevcn period and thg plans as outlined by the supervisor to the playground commis sion indicate that a busy and re sourceful season will benefit the chil dren who eagerly await the opening of the playgrounds more than the fall opening of schools On Monday a swimming instructor from the Mas sachusetts Humane society will be at the swimming pool to give lessons in swimming and also life saving and resuscitation methods This will be under the auspices of the local Red Cross and this fine opportunity should be taken advantage of Thursday comes the big circus al ways an event in the town Hagen back Wallace trained wild animal shows with the colorful street parade which always appeals On riday the 10th the Chautauqua opens and tne program offered this year is a fine one the speakers ranking high and the entertainers all being finished ar tists Added to this are any number of club and organization picnics planned for the week so that the vacation period should be filled with all the pleasuies needed I'reshair Children and Health Camp A committee is very active in plac ing the Tribune fresh air children in the county again for the summer This year it is planned to bring them to Greenfield July 16 for a two vacation Last year some dif ficulty was experienced in the start in getting the work under way but in the end Greenfield exceeded her quota and more children were cared tor tnan was originally planned and the same will no doubt be true this year Local interest however seems to have rather centered in the health camp where local children will be well cared for and started on the road to health The attendance ot so many of the Greenfield people the opening evening to see really what was to be done there is evidence ot the appreciation of this wonderful con structive work in the community The appeal for assistance for the contin uance and enlarging of this work will no doubt be met with a fine spirit Never has a work started in so small a way met with such a hearty re sponse and it is a matter of pride to those who are helping in it Ta know that steps are taken right in our community where so large a number of children are found to be susceptible to a dread disease should receive only praise and every effort on the part of the public to help in the stamping out of causes should bo forthcoming dren selected from physicians qualified back home from this ed them they are themselves as to conditions and how to live along healthful lines The site cf the camp covers several acres of land in the shade of a pine grove with a spring of pure water quite near and the Grean river for bath ing purposes New Bus Line The new bus line just started and going daily from Greenfield to Pitts field by way of Shelburne alls Ash field Cummington and Dalton through the this will for The time Pittsfield of about 14 hours leaving Greenfield in the morning at 9 and leaving Pittsfield to return at 1 The beautiful Pierce Arrow bus is the last word in comfort There is seating capacity for 27 people The bus on arriving at Greenfield will then make the run to Keene and back which also is a drive through beautiful country Bus rides through the country are becoming more and more popular New roads and new country are constantly being opened up and the delights of new country are always appreciated A i new attraction on the Shelburne road of the Mohawk trail is the silver I fox farm recently opened up by DJ Barstow owner of the Vermont Sil ver ox company Besides silver I foxes he also has on exhibition coyotes badgers a small black bear and othei fur bearing animals This will no doubt attract a number of visitors those best! layer and spring In an patterned Yours saving Ing this Sale! Lawka when he completed 50 yeax's of continued seiwice at the Shelbuxme alls National bank is one that few men attain in such a position Mr Hawks has completed his work as cashier at this bank but is still vice president ot the institution templates later in his son tist In service generously remembered him The neonln nf Rhdhurna vicinity are again being asked if thev will open their homes for the fresh air children sent out annually by the New York Tribune This week Miss Lena Hamilton of St Albans Vt has been in town in the interest of the movement and hopes through the agency of the local Parent Teacher associaton to place several children in homes here There are homes here which have been opened to these de srving children year after year The committee appointed to place the chil dren here is composed of Mrs Phillips (chairman) Nirs Mor gan Mrs Chapman Airs Rov Am stein Airs Kennedy Mrs Klein Mrs Phillip Eldridge and John IL Temnle use for window displays has si up to one third Some rare bargains uiauuitw ouiaina oie 85950 SILK Mattress $1 100 Kapok SILK LOSS be the the'de it was Interesting Library Just Purchased This collection contains Jungle SI 00 each a leather edition of by ielding $200 "Count of Monte by Dumas 7Jc 50c and by erber $100 The following authors are also rep resented Dickens Hugo Bal zac and Tolstoy The books are in excellent condition and reasonably priced Second hand Bookshop Phonograph SIX Records ree rom Our Special Correspondent Boston July 4 The decision of state supreme court placing in raged within from sounds independent bus lines it is true will probably be ajrle to obtain licenses in each of the munic ipalities through which they operate but it may be accepted as practically ertain that nearly all of the long distance lines which confine their ac tivities wholly within the common wealth will be obliged to give up the ghost True the only penalty in the pres ent lUV I line is a fine ore certain it ted these considerable their operations in defiance of prose cution but with the clear cut de cision of the highest court in the state pointing the way it is only natural that local officials will become more active in their prosecution of violators and continued operation is likely to prove quite expensive for the owners of such lines i The Decision and the Referendum Already much curiosity has been displayed as to the probable effect of the decision with respect to those who have been quietly working to briny about a referendum to the people on the law passed by the last Legislature which places certain added restric tions about obtaining licenses but of more importance gives to the supe rior and supreme courts jurisdiction in equity to compel compliance with the law In other words when the new law becomes effective which will be within the present month any 10 persons aggrieved by the operation of an unlicensed bus line may petition either of the courts mentioned for relief and either court will haye the power to issue an injunction pro hibiting continued operation of the line Persons prominent in the automo bile industry have been actively but quietly working for a referendum Papers for the necessary signatures have been in circulation for weeks but force of circ*mstances has led the sponsors to delay the filing as long as possible They have been fearful that Gov uller 1n the event of a jeferendum petition being filed would immediately put the law into effect by declaring it an emergency meas ure This fear ill probably be stronger now that the court has de clared that under existing law with er Entertainment Whenever You Wish It Defeat of Ex Gov oss Looks Like End of His Political Career McGlue Loses Prestige Many floor samples of our best grades and higher priced mat tresses are reduced for quick clearance during this sale Store I ght soiling Savings in finest quality tner MATTRESS A fine quality mattress fi with all pure white la felt with 4 rows of stitching ll or one third on this special BOOKSTORE BOOKSTOK 393 MAIN ST Buit DiNo Wp aruNoriExa He eon leaving Shelburne irnlts the year for California where Charles is located as a den honor of the occasion of Mr long and highly successful the directors and employes $30 Values Extra ine WHITE LAYER ELT A Big Purchase of Several Carloads for Our Various Stores 1 ull Carload to Springfield All Made to Our Specifications The Maker Cut His Lowest Wholesale Prices So middle of Of the bren fil ing places of the old city where sell ers of jade and cheap jewelrv letter writers fortune tellers cobblers menders pedlers jugglers and others of polyglot population gather over teacups or chatter end lessly in high pitched voices The Chi nese theater is another native odditv The want of scenery the din of the orchestra and the piercing intonations and gaudy costumes of the actors fur nish a spectacle which while not al ways pleasing to western tastes always colorful and unusual Gay Social Center sobriquet Paris of the refers more to the gaiety of Its social life than to any external resemblance to the rench capital It is not nearly so picturesque as Hong kong or that queen of Oriental beauty oochow Shanghai cannot set out1000 lanterns on a dozen hills 1800 feet up into the night as Hongkong can but her more intimate house and garden decorations are famous There are lanterns everywhere certain types are used as shop signs and with their non sputtering cold tallow candles they shed a perfect light Well road is the River side drive the Champs Elysees or the Ring strasse of the foreign settle ments Along this winding modern thoroughfare a panorama of the city's life passes in review Once the resort of closed broughams and fine cars of foreign dignitaries it now rattles with anything that can go on wheels" and ths rickshaws and wheelbarrows of the natives darting in and out among the carriages taxis and limousines furnish a gay and motley spectacle all day long oreign Quarters Attract Chinese the were first laid out for foreigners alone the Chinese have come over to them in great numbers to enjoy the protec tion and advantages of foreign rule Rich Chinese often retire to the new sections to enjoy their wealth in safety or to spend it in reckless dis sipation In the foreign settlements are white sports of all kinds racing golf tennis shooting house boating swimming etc Good libraries magnificent clubs theaters hotels of all nations and a spirit of co opera tion between the foreign nations rep lesented have made Shanghai one of the pleasantest places to live in the Orient "Alany of the railroads leading into the central part of the country have their terminals here Shanghai is the Chicago of China in this respect The first railroad in China was a 12 mile stretch connecting the city with its port Woosung Although the tracks were tofti up by the reactionaries soon after they were laid the seed was well planted as the many lines ot steel throughout the country today bear witness Gateway for Western Ideas "Shanghai is not only a great com mercial emporium handling nearly half the foreign trade of China but it has also become in recent years one of the greatest Chinese industrial centers with a large laboring popu lation Cotton and silk cocoon wind ing milles employ thousands of work ers In addition there are a large number of smaller factories manu facturing matches paper cigarets fireworks wood carvings jewelry etc of the occidentallzation that has come to China in the past half cenutry has filtered through Shang hai especially through the great printing establishment there which has turned out excellent translations into Chinese of the literature and ideas of the West Shanghai also pos sesses several daily newspapers print ed in both foreign and native lan ARMISTICE DECLARED IN BAPTIST RUMPUS Spring and Mattress $6950 Value ATHOL GIRL HONORED ON 21ST BIRTHDAY NEW BUS LAW TO TAKE EECT SOON Miss Mildred Jones Sur prised Veteran of or eign War Delegates Make Reports rom Our Special Correspondent Athol July Aliss Mildred Jones was given a pleasant surprise Mon day night at the Episcopal church hall by 16 of her friends and class mates It was the anniversary of her 21st birthday Games were enjoyed and a pleasant social evening spent Aliss Jones was given a pin and a bouquet of roses She graduated from the high school in the class of 1923 At the last Boyce post Wars reports gates to the Beverly These were I Mason Stimson Blodgett Al drich Ixiwsure and William Col ton Comrade Blodgett of Athol came within two votes of being elected to the council of administration The to tal receipts of the recent poppy drive in this town were $25663 The Athol fair is offering a total premium of $200 split into first sec ond third and fourth prizes for the best Grange exhibit at the coming lair on Labor day and the day after Athol Grange has already voted to participate Aliss Edith Engel teacher of physi cal education in the public schools of Chatham is visiting her father Hugo Engel of Prospect street She is to take special courses at Columbia university during the summer and will be engaged this winter in work near New York city Old and New Contrast in Oriental City Gay Social Center "Activities of Chinese agitators in Shanghai which is with the possible exception of Cairo the most cosmo politan city in the world direct at tention to the picturesqc setting of this exotic hybrid of East and says a bulletin from the Washington (D C) of the National Geographic society "Approaching the city from Woo sung its port on the Yangtze river the villages graveyards and anchqred ships of all kinds become more nu merous as one nears the wharves The hum and roar of factories and cot ton mills belie the real atmosphere of this metropolis of Central China It Is not until the heavy half sick ening smell of bean oil incense opium smoke and of human beings penetrates the nostrils that the true Asiatic flavor of the city is revealed Motor Launches and Junks "Although the quaint Kiangsu junks are rapidly disappearing the cargo junks sampans and speedy slipper boats still vie with the motor launches of vessels from built largely the soft black sand and saturated clay upon which the city rests along the banks of the Hwang river Huge reinforced concrete rafts are buried in this clay and the foundations of buildings are laid on them foreign settlements are lightfully modern with plenty space light and air and are as clean and orderly as occidental cities The rench maintain their own concession tinder a government separate from that of the other 20 powers with their own language and the and other signs typical of the home land The Old and New Shanghais "In striking contrast is the old Shanghai where most of the Chinese live Going through the gates of the native city one passes into another century Old temples cramped court yards where flowering peonies and chrysanthemums can be glimpsed in passing and an endless succession of narrow streets hung with rococo ban ners of Chinese characters and filthy and reeking with 1000 odors differ entiate it at once from its smaller moaern cousins away "A tea house a stagnant pond on Beds and Bedding ALL LOOR SAMPLE MATTRESSES Reduced! reason AIcGlue is also as a poor attempted to be with meaningless he proposed to At any rate whatever may be fate of the law recently passed seems clear that long distance bus uunspoi ration hereafter Ire confined largely owned or sponsored by the or street railway interests tent of the Legislature in not ia ws was competition in field Realizing portntion is an absolute necessity the legislators have had vision to see that voUld be economic folly to permit the cream of the transportation busi ness to be taken away by busses leating to those compelled to make use of stetyn transportation the bur den of surporting the rail systems troth laws are founded upon the principle that the territory of a rail road or street railway company should not be invaded unless those seeking to enter it are able to dem onstrate that the transportation needs of the community are not being ade quately served If there is lack of adequate service then the public should be entitled to the benefits to be derived from bus lines but if its needs are fully met then the public is entitled to be protected from the added cost which necessarily will re sult from duplication of service The best guess is that the refer endum petitions against the new law will not be filed and that the people will not be asked to pass upon it Even though successful in defeating it the bus interests would be little better off than at present Ex Gov oss's Defeat The overwhelming defeat sustained by former Gov Eugene Noble oss in his carpet bag candidacy for Congress in the Sth congressional district last Tuesday probably brings to an end at' least two political careers The ex political star has been in a moribund state ever since lie left the gubernatorial office although he has failed to realize result also the writing of chapters of the life ot Glue chairman of 1 state committee JleGIue Discredited Prophet or it was AIcGlue who drafted less as the congressional candidate He induced the former governor to make the contest and he induced all of the ambitious Democrats living within the district to keep out of the contest telling them with apparent confidence that oss could win Naturally these men feel they have been tricked or that AIcGlue as a political prophet is a total failure There is little doubt that any one of the strong Democrats in the district would have made a better run than oss for which being condemned strategist oss as usual guile the' voters platitudes irst make his contest as a Coolidge Demo crat a suggestion which immediately alienated all of the old line Democrats without attracting to his support any considerable number of independents But the failure of this slogan caused him to shift very speedily to a cam paign which included petty criticism of the President and this proved the finishing touch The widespread be lief that he is an opportunist was thrfS confirmed nut of his own mouth and his campaign was whipped almost as soon as it began Without doubt it means the end of oss as a political figure Coolidge's Strength Students ot politics will doubtless find in the returns ample reason for construing the election as an indorse ment of the President and the man in the street who cares little or noth ing about political affairs will assent to this deduction Travelers in the far sections of the country invariably bring back reports that President Coolidge is gaining in popularity with the country every day and that his strength has increased immeasurably since the adjournment of Congress It would b3 absurd to assume that the Old Bay state his adopted home would be out of step with the rest of tne nation in showing its regard mm The There part of spread the idea that the President's selection of Swampscott as his vaca tion home has something to do with the candidacy of Senator William Al Butler as a candidate for election in 1926 to his present position That the President will do everything in hLs power to aid Senator Butler's can didacy there can be no doubt and when active campaign opens he will probably stop at nothing to bring it to a successful conclusion But the suggestion that he came to Swamp scott for that purpose 14 months be fore the Republican primary and 16 months before the election is quite absurd It is to be accounted for In so many On Easy Terms for a SECRETARY WEEKS SELLS CAPITAL HOUSE Washington July 4 (AP) Secre tary Weeks sold his house at Washington and his friends said to day he would live in an apartment in stead when he returns to Washing ton Disclosure of the sale together with Air continued illness in Alas sachusetts revived a perennial report that he had resikned but war depart ment officials said today that they had heard nothing of such a development The decision to dispose of the house bought from former Secretary of State Hughes was reached before Mr Weeks suffered a thrombosis early in April The structure is situated in Sixteenth street at the foot of Aleri dian hill where several streets inter sect The noise of recently installed motor busses became particularly ob jectionable to the war secretary and the sale was negotiated more than a month ago Langley of Kentucky Acquit ted of Drunks Medic Made Him Un steady on His Pikeville Ky July 4 Con gressman John Langley Republic an of Kentucky today stands acquits ted of the latest liquor charge against him drunkenness when it was held jn county court here yesterday that he was not walking unsteadily be cause of an alcoholic condition but because of the influence of medicine he had taken at a advice to produce the effect of dizziness The representative was arrested few weeks ago on a warrant sworn out by Mrs Henritze who charged he staggered to her apart ment door Langley testified that he had be come exhausted due to his weakened physical condition while downtown one day and had stopped in tbs apartment of a friend who occupied rooms next to Airs Henritze While there he said he took medicine and also a cold water bath and was so unfamiliar with the hallways that when he left the bathroom he wan dered dizzily into the doorway of Airs Henritze's apartment He denied drinking any liquor that day Dr A Osborne the representa tive's physician said on the stand that he had advised Mr Langley not' to go on the streets after taking ths1 medicine Lanclc was fined $10 and served four hour jail sentence for contempt: of court when he was given his first' hearing on the charge Playground Opening Circus and Chautauqua Sessions at Hand uSak oT es wa JWi Ar raBC KT XB 25 to 33Vi Off 'Imperial rolled strength Is 1 I I.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.