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') var sugerenciasList = $('
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') var title = $('
'); var address = $('
'); var schedule = $('
'); var services = $('
'); var phone = $('
'); var scheduleAuto = $('
Horario Autopago
'); title.text($store.find('.nombre').text()); address.find('span').text($store.find('.texto-original').text()); var horarioSem = $store.find('.horarioSem').text(); var horarioSab = $store.find('.horarioSab').text(); var cp = $store.find('.cp').text(); var autoSem = $store.find('.horarioAuto1').text(); var autorSab = $store.find('.horarioAuto2').text(); var textDir = ""; var textSchedule = ""; var textAutopago = ""; var textCajero = ""; phone.find('span').text($store.find('.telefono').text()); var nombredeTienda = $store.find('.nombreTienda').text(); var textoOriginal = $store.find('.texto-original').text(); var elTelefono = $store.find('.telefono').text(); var cajero = $store.find('.cajero').text(); var scCajero = $store.find('.horarioCajero').text(); if(jQuery.trim(nombredeTienda) != 'null' && nombredeTienda != ''){ storeInfo.append(title); } if(jQuery.trim(textoOriginal) != 'null' && textoOriginal != ''){ textDir = textoOriginal; storeInfo.append(address); } if(jQuery.trim(cp) != 'null' && cp != ''){ textDir = textDir + ' CP' + cp; } address.find('span').text(textDir); /*CAMBIOS PARA MOSTRAR HORARIOS EN BUEN FIN */ elTelefono=jQuery.trim(elTelefono); if(elTelefono == "" || elTelefono == "null" || elTelefono == null){ if(jQuery.trim(horarioSem) != 'null' && horarioSem !=''){ textSchedule = horarioSem; storeInfo.append(schedule); } if(jQuery.trim(horarioSab) != 'null' && horarioSab !=''){ textSchedule = textSchedule + ' ' + horarioSab; } schedule.find('span').text(textSchedule); }else{ storeInfo.append(phone); } if(jQuery.trim(autoSem) != 'null' && autoSem !='' && autoSem != "Servicio NO disponible"){ textAutopago = autoSem; storeInfo.append(scheduleAuto); } if(jQuery.trim(autorSab) != 'null' && autorSab !=''){ textAutopago = textAutopago + ' ' + autorSab; } scheduleAuto.find('span').text(textAutopago); if(jQuery.trim(cajero) != 'null' && jQuery.trim(cajero) == '1'){ storeInfo.append(services); textCajero = "Cajero automático" } if(jQuery.trim(scCajero) != 'null' && jQuery.trim(scCajero) != '' && scCajero != "Servicio NO disponible"){ textCajero = textCajero + '. Horario: ' + scCajero; } services.find('span').text(textCajero); return(storeInfo.html()); } $('.moreElem').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault() startValue = startValue + 10; $('input[data-search="search"]').each(function(){ var scope = $(this); if(scope.hasClass('functional')){ scope.trigger('click'); } }) }) $('.busMenuSearch a').click(function(){ $('.busMenuSearch a').each(function(){ $(this).removeClass('active'); }) $(this).addClass('active'); }) })