Employee Handbook - Jefferson County, Alabamajeffconline.jccal.org/Sites/Jefferson_County/Documents...EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK 1515 6th Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35233 205-930-3200 - [PDF Document] (2024)



1515 6th Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35233


June 9, 2015

A Department of Jefferson

County, Alabama Government

Table of Contents Acknowledgement of Receipt of the Employee Handbook ........................................................................ 1

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2

Handbook Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 2

Cooper Green Mercy Health Services and the Personnel Board of Jefferson County .............................. 2

Governance ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Websites ................................................................................................................................................... 2

Welcome ................................................................................................................................................... 3

Mission Statement ................................................................................................................................ 3

Commitment to Diversity ...................................................................................................................... 3

Values .................................................................................................................................................... 4

History of Cooper Green Mercy Health Services ...................................................................................... 4

Customer Relations ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Customer Pledge ....................................................................................................................................... 6

Equal Employment Opportunity .................................................................................................................. 6

EEO Commitment ...................................................................................................................................... 6

Requests for Reasonable Accommodation ............................................................................................... 7

Workplace Harassment ............................................................................................................................. 7

Corporate Compliance ................................................................................................................................. 8

Access and Use of Protected Health Information ..................................................................................... 8

Confidentiality ........................................................................................................................................... 8

Conflict of Interest/ Outside Employment ................................................................................................ 9

Continuous Quality Improvement ............................................................................................................ 9

Disbarment................................................................................................................................................ 9

Emergency Codes .................................................................................................................................... 10

Ethical Behavior ...................................................................................................................................... 10

Gifts and Gratuities ................................................................................................................................. 10

Kickbacks and Rebates ............................................................................................................................ 10

Protection and Use of Electronic Equipment and Databases ................................................................. 11

Employee Benefits ...................................................................................................................................... 11

Vacation .................................................................................................................................................. 11

Sick Leave ................................................................................................................................................ 12

Holidays ................................................................................................................................................... 12

Health Insurance ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Life Insurance and AD&D ........................................................................................................................ 12

Deferred Compensation .......................................................................................................................... 13

Flexible Spending Accounts .................................................................................................................... 13

Optional and Voluntary Benefits ............................................................................................................ 13

Retirement .............................................................................................................................................. 13

Leaves of Absence ...................................................................................................................................... 13

Administrative Leave .............................................................................................................................. 13

Family Medical Leave .............................................................................................................................. 14

Jury Duty/ Witness in Court .................................................................................................................... 14

Leave Without Pay .................................................................................................................................. 15

Paid Injury Leave ..................................................................................................................................... 15

Unapproved Leave .................................................................................................................................. 15

Time and Attendance ................................................................................................................................. 15

Hours of Work ......................................................................................................................................... 15

Lunch and Breaks .................................................................................................................................... 16

Overtime ................................................................................................................................................. 16

Pay Schedules.......................................................................................................................................... 16

Paydays ................................................................................................................................................... 16

Time Recording ....................................................................................................................................... 17

Workweek ............................................................................................................................................... 17

General Policies and Guidelines ................................................................................................................ 17

Assignment of Duties .............................................................................................................................. 17

Bulletin Boards ........................................................................................................................................ 17

Continuing Education and Training ......................................................................................................... 17

Courtesy and Fair Treatment .................................................................................................................. 18

Email ........................................................................................................................................................ 18

Employee Entrances/ Exits ...................................................................................................................... 18

Employment Status ................................................................................................................................. 18

Employee Records ................................................................................................................................... 19

Employment of Relatives ........................................................................................................................ 19

Inclement Weather ................................................................................................................................. 19

Lost and Found ........................................................................................................................................ 19

Parking .................................................................................................................................................... 19

Personal Appearance .............................................................................................................................. 20

Personal Telephone Calls ........................................................................................................................ 20

Personnel Status Change ........................................................................................................................ 20

Personnel Board Examinations ............................................................................................................... 20

Political Activity ....................................................................................................................................... 21

Probationary Period ................................................................................................................................ 21

Punctuality .............................................................................................................................................. 21

Search of Property .................................................................................................................................. 21

Solicitation .............................................................................................................................................. 22

Code of Conduct ......................................................................................................................................... 22

Standards of Behavior ............................................................................................................................. 22

Progressive Discipline ............................................................................................................................. 23

Grievance Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 23

Separation from Service ............................................................................................................................. 24

COBRA ..................................................................................................................................................... 24

Exit Interviews ......................................................................................................................................... 24

Notice Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 24

Sick Leave Conversion ............................................................................................................................. 24

Workplace Safety ....................................................................................................................................... 25

General Safety ......................................................................................................................................... 25

Housekeeping ......................................................................................................................................... 25

On-the-Job Injury/ Illness ........................................................................................................................ 25

Security ................................................................................................................................................... 26

Smoking ................................................................................................................................................... 27

Use of Alcohol and Drugs ........................................................................................................................ 27

Vaccinations and Immunizations ............................................................................................................ 27

Workplace Violence/ Firearms ................................................................................................................ 28


Acknowledgement of Receipt of the Employee Handbook Cooper Green Mercy Health Services

I acknowledge that I have received and reviewed the Cooper Green Mercy Health Services (CGMHs)

Employee Handbook. The Employee Handbook describes important information about CGMHS, and I

understand that I should consult the Human Resources Department or my supervisor regarding any

questions I have about its content. I also understand that the Employee Handbook is not the full text nor

inclusive of all CGMHS employment-related policies and procedures and that it is my responsibility to

familiarize myself with all CGMHS and Jefferson County policies and procedures applicable to my


I understand that the information, policies, and benefits described in the Employee Handbook are subject

to change and I acknowledge that revisions to the Employee Handbook and to CGMHS policies,

procedures, and practices may occur at any time. I understand that revised information may supersede,

modify, or eliminate existing policies.

Furthermore, I acknowledge that this Employee Handbook is neither a contract of employment nor a legal

document. I have received the Employee Handbook and I understand that it is my responsibility to read

and comply with the policies contained or referenced in it and with any revisions made thereto.

Employee’s Name (printed): ______________________________________________________

Employee’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________________



Handbook Purpose This handbook is not intended to cover all aspects of your employment; rather, it is intended to give a general overview of the current policies and benefits of employment with Jefferson County, Alabama and with Cooper Green Mercy Health Services (CGMHS). This handbook does not constitute a contract of employment and the policies set forth herein are subject to change by Jefferson County and Cooper Green Mercy Health Services at any time with or without prior notice.

Cooper Green Mercy Health Services and the Personnel Board of Jefferson County Cooper Green Mercy Health Services is a department of Jefferson County government, which, in turn, is a jurisdiction subject to the civil service provisions of Act 248 of the 1945 Alabama legislature. This Act is also referred to as the Enabling Act of the Personnel Board of Jefferson County. The Act established the Personnel Board of Jefferson County (PBJC) as the entity responsible for the Act's enforcement. Administrative guidance is provided through the Rules and Regulations of the Personnel Board of Jefferson County. Both the Enabling Act and the Rules and Regulations can be accessed from the Personnel Board's homepage located at www.pbjcal.org.

Governance Your employment relationship is governed by the policies and procedures of Cooper Green Mercy Health Services, by policies, procedures, and administrative orders of the Jefferson County Commission, and by the Rules and Regulations of the Personnel Board of Jefferson County.

Websites Jefferson County Public Site http://jeffconline.jccal.org Jefferson County Employee Intranet http://courthouse.jcc.jccal.org Personnel Board of Jefferson County http://pbjcal.org Cooper Green Mercy Website http://coopergreen.org


Welcome On behalf of the entire staff, welcome to Cooper Green Mercy Health Services. We are proud of the contributions that Cooper Green Mercy has made to our community and continues to make to the health and well-being of the residents of Jefferson County. We are excited to have you as part of the team of health professionals whose diverse skills serve to fulfill our mission. Cooper Green Mercy Health Services fulfills a critical role in our community by serving as the center of a safety net that facilitates a continuum of care to the County’s uninsured and under-insured. We are unique in our focus on and dedication to this population. This handbook is an introduction to our policies and procedures. All of us at Cooper Green Mercy Health Services are ready to assist you in becoming acclimated to your new work environment and we look forward to a mutually beneficial and professional relationship. Human Resources is always available to explain and clarify topics about which you might have questions or concerns.

Mission Statement Cooper Green Mercy Health Services is dedicated to serving Jefferson County residents with quality healthcare regardless of ability to pay. We are committed to the advancement of healthcare through education of our patients and their families, our staff, and the community we serve and to the pursuit of knowledge through educational and research activities that advance the field of medicine. (Revised 01/23/15)

We continuously seek to improve our services and to adapt to meet the changing health needs of the people we serve.

Commitment to Diversity Cooper Green Mercy Health Services is a diverse community in terms of race and ethnicity, culture,

religion, and personal values and traditions. CGMHS values this diversity recognizing that individual

differences contribute to our strength as an agency serving a diverse population. It is to this end that

CGMHS is committed to non-discrimination and advocates for an environment of tolerance with regard

to cultural and personal differences. It is our belief that every employee, patient, visitor, and guest has

the right to be treated with dignity and respect and that it is in our best interest as an agency serving the

public good to act in a manner free of bias, exclusion, and discrimination whether on the basis of faith,

race, age, gender, culture, class, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any

other personal characteristics or differences.


Values Cooper Green Mercy Health Services is a values-driven, patient-centric organization. Our values reflect

what we believe and inform our business decisions, interactions with our patients, with each other, and

with our community.


The cornerstone of our values is respect for the individual, regardless of personal, ethnic, religious, cultural,

socioeconomic background, circ*mstances or differences.

Excellence in Patient Care

We are committed to providing the highest quality healthcare to our patients, to adhering to the highest ethical

standards in service delivery, and to promoting an environment of continuous learning.


We strive to be always mindful of the needs of our patients and of their families and friends and to respond to

them in caring and understanding ways and in ways that convey our caring concern.


We value the contributions, knowledge, and abilities of all our employees. We respect our employees’ opinions

and perspectives and we are committed to fostering a culture of employee participation, collaboration and


Dedication and Commitment

It is our employees’ strong commitment and dedication to the County’s most vulnerable citizens that sets us apart

as a healthcare organization and serves as the foundation of our mission and vision.


As providers of healthcare, we are committed to using our resources wisely and to parlaying them into a

synergistic healthcare continuum that offers the most effective and efficient use of all of our resources as an

institution, healthcare community, and population.

History of Cooper Green Mercy Health Services It was in 1888 that efforts were first made to serve the healthcare needs of the underprivileged residents

of Jefferson County, Alabama. In that year, the Daughters of United Charity, a group of Catholic, Jewish,

and Protestant wives of Birmingham business executives, set up a temporary hospital out of concern for

lack of charity care. The Hospital of United Charity opened its doors in October of that year in leased space

with a mission to provide healthcare to the poor regardless of race or gender.

Over the next nineteen years the Daughters of United Charity worked with the community as well as with

all levels of government in an attempt to establish a stable facility with staff and equipment sufficient to

the task. Under their management, the facility would move to five different locations, suffer threat of

shutdown more than once, and also experience financial and staffing problems. Never dissuaded from its

mission, the facility would successfully attend to the needs of thousands of patients and continue to

champion the cause of healthcare equality.


In 1907, under the name of Hillman Hospital located at 19th Street

and Avenue F, the facility was offered to and accepted by Jefferson

County. In 1945, a contract was established between Hillman

Hospital and the University of Alabama’s new medical college, which

forged a relationship between our two healthcare institutions that

exists to this day.

In an effort to address lack of access to adequate healthcare and a

growing health disparity among the County’s poor and racial minorities, the State Legislature passed a bill

in 1965 that created an earmarked Indigent Care Fund (ICF). The mission of the ICF was to help ensure the

health and well-being of County residents, regardless of their ability to pay. Jefferson County is the only

county in Alabama that levies tax specifically to meet the healthcare needs of the uninsured and

underinsured. In addition to the ICF, revenue is generated through direct patient pay, Medicare, Medicaid,

and through other third-party payers.

In October 1972, Mercy Hospital opened as a separate hospital and

provided high quality inpatient services until January 2013. In 1975,

the hospital was renamed Cooper Green Mercy Hospital in honor of

W. Cooper Green, a Jefferson County Commissioner and continued

to operate as a hospital for some forty years.

As a result of County bankruptcy and a steep economic recession, the

hospital closed its doors on December 31, 2012, and the facility transitioned to a multi-specialty

ambulatory and urgent care clinic, known as Cooper Green Mercy Health Services (CGMHS). CGMHS is a

“full-service” outpatient facility that includes both primary and specialty care, urgent care, physical,

occupational, and speech therapy, laboratory services, radiology and a pharmacy, all conveniently

available to patients in one location.

Through the decades, our mission has not changed. CGMHS continues the struggle to increase

healthcare access, to improve health outcomes, and promote health equality for vulnerable populations.

Customer Relations CGMHS is committed to providing quality care with dignity and respect. Our community image is

determined not only by how well we provide service, but also by how we treat our patients, their family

members, and visitors when providing these services.

The relationship between a patient and a healthcare institution is established before the patient ever

arrives and our concern, helpfulness, and positive attitude will often be remembered long after the

patient leaves our offices. Here, at CGMHS, quality care and patient satisfaction are inseparable priorities.

We strive to accomplish these priorities through dedication, professionalism, and a commitment to



We believe that the quality of customer satisfaction is determined by the patient, not by those providing

the service. We have a commitment to treat all patients, family members, and visitors as we would want

to be treated regardless of their socio-economic situation, personal appearance, or life circ*mstances.

We encourage CGMHS employees to provide suggestions or ways to further improve our customer

satisfaction and we invite our patients to tell us how we are doing through patient satisfaction surveys

and through the Patient Hotline at 205-930-3636.

Customer Pledge As an employee of Cooper Green Mercy Health Services, I commit to:

Greet patients and visitors with a smile at all times.

Always use appropriate titles e.g., Mr., Mrs., and Ms. when addressing patients and visitors.

Display my identification badge where it is always visible.

Acknowledge my patient’s presence as soon as possible when he or she arrives in my work area.

Go out of my way to provide directions and information to patients who may need assistance.

Show courtesy and respect to patients and visitors at all times.

Practice active listening when communicating with patients and provide information in a manner they can understand.

Treat all patients and visitors with compassion and caring.

Equal Employment Opportunity

EEO Commitment Cooper Green Mercy Health Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer. As such, CGMHS forbids

discrimination on the basis of race, sex, creed, color, national origin, age, religion, veteran status, or

disability in all terms and conditions of employment including, but not limited to, hiring, promotion,

demotion, transfer, assignment, training, compensation, lay-off and termination. Equal Employment

Opportunity is a responsibility of all employees of CGMHS. Breach of this policy by any employee will be

grounds for disciplinary action.

It is further the policy of CGMHS not to request, require, or use genetic information, including family

medical history, in recruitment or selection or decisions affecting any term or condition of employment.


Requests for Reasonable Accommodation Cooper Green Mercy Health Services is committed to assuring equal opportunity and equal access to

services, programs, and activities for people with disabilities, to the extent practicable. Cooper Green

Mercy Health Services will provide reasonable accommodation to disabled employees to assist them in

performing the essential functions of their jobs. Any CGMHS employee who has or experiences a

disabling condition that affects his or her ability to perform his or her job and is in need of a workplace

accommodation and any candidate who has a disability and needs accommodation in the interviewing

process is invited to contact Human Resources.

Workplace Harassment All employees deserve the right to work with dignity and respect and without fear. Harassment by co-

workers, supervisors, contract employees, students, business associates, clients, or visitors is prohibited.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that affects terms and

conditions of employment. Sexual harassment includes: (1) sexual advances and other verbal or

physical conduct where submission to the advances or conduct is made a term or condition of

employment or is used as the basis for employment decisions, and (2) unwelcome verbal or

physical conduct of a sexual nature that interferes with an employee’s work or creates a hostile,

intimidating, or offensive work environment.

Some examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:

Unwelcome or unwanted flirtations, propositions, or advances. This includes patting, pinching, brushing up against, hugging, cornering, kissing, fondling, putting one’s arm around another, or any other similar physical contact considered unacceptable by another individual.

Requests or demands for sexual favors. This includes subtle or blatant expectations, pressures, or requests for any type of sexual favor accompanied by an implied or stated promise of preferential treatment or negative consequences concerning one’s employment.

Verbal abuse or kidding that is sex-oriented and considered unacceptable by another individual. This includes comments about an individual’s body or appearance (where such comments go beyond an isolated innocuous compliment); off-color jokes or inappropriate use of sexually explicit or offensive language; or any other tasteless, sex-oriented comments, innuendos, or offensive actions, including leering, whistling, or gesturing.

Participating in fostering a work environment that is generally intimidating, hostile, or offensive because of unwelcome or unwanted sexually-oriented conversation, office décor, suggestions, requests, demands, physical contacts or attention.

Non-Sexual Harassment

Non-sexual harassment is defined as verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility

or aversion toward an individual because of such protected statuses or characteristics as his/her

race, color, religion, gender, nation origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, and any physical

or mental quality, characteristic, condition, or impairment, or that of his/her relatives, friends, or

associates, and that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive


work environment, has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work

performance, or otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment opportunities.

Some examples of such harassment are using epithets, slurs, negative stereotypes, threatening,

intimidating, or engaging in hostile acts that relate to protected statuses or characteristics such

as those referenced above – including purported jokes or pranks; placing on walls, bulletin boards

or elsewhere on the work premises, in public places or in social media, or otherwise circulating in

the workplace, by any means, written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or

aversion toward a person or group because of a protected characteristic.

Complaint Procedure

An individual who experiences harassment is encouraged to make it clear that such behavior is offensive

and to bring the matter to his or her supervisor’s attention and/or to the attention of Human Resources.

Any employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including

termination of employment.

Corporate Compliance

Access and Use of Protected Health Information CGMHS employees are required to utilize all reasonable means of safeguarding our patients’ health-

related information, in whatever form it exists, whether electronic (E-PHI), written, or obtained through

observation, verbally, or by any other means. The downloading of PHI onto any external media devices,

e.g., disks, CD’s, flash drives, etc. without prior approval is prohibited, as is the transmission of PHI via

unsecured email.

PHI is defined as information that identifies an individual or provides a reasonable basis from which to

identify an individual and relates to one or more of the following: (1) the past, present, or future physical

or mental health or condition of the identified individual; or (2) the provision of health care to the

identified individual; or, (3) the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to the

identified individual.

All CGMHS employees are expected to be knowledgeable of HIPAA regulations governing PHI and of

CGMHS computer security protocols designed to safeguard PHI. The unauthorized access to or the

unauthorized use or disclosure of PHI is a serious violation of CGMHS policy and may result in

disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Confidentiality Protection of privacy and confidentiality are essential to building trust relationships in the community.

Breach of confidentiality not only undermines this trust relationship, it can also result in costly lawsuits

for the organization. All information related to patients, whether gained verbally, visually, or through


access to medical records, must be considered strictly confidential and for use only by authorized

individuals. Employees are expected to be familiar and comply with all laws, rules, regulations, and

CGMHS policies and procedures related to the use and disclosure of health-related information. As a

condition of employment, all employees are required to sign the CGMHS Confidentiality Statement and

to satisfactorily complete training on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996


Conflict of Interest/ Outside Employment Your employment at CGMHS is considered to be your primary employment; consequently, employees

may not accept outside employment without approval from CGMHS administration. If any outside

activities interfere with your CGMHS position, CGMHS reserves the right to require that you cease such

outside activities or otherwise make adjustments to address the interference. You may obtain approval

forms for outside employment from Human Resources.

Additionally, CGMHS employees may not use their positions in such a manner that a conflict of interest

might arise between the interest of CGMHS or Jefferson County and the employee.

You should avoid situations that may appear to be conflicts of interests, which may include:

Serving on Boards of other organizations that may conflict with your job responsibilities

Accepting gifts or favors that suggest or create obligations to vendors

Accepting travel, meals, or lodging from a vendor, unless approved by management

Accepting discounts from vendors that are not available to all employees

Using system property, e.g. supplies, copiers, software products, postage, or vehicles, for personal use

Continuous Quality Improvement CGMHS is committed to quality improvement as a means of assuring the most efficient use of our

resources, the best patient experience possible, and the highest level of healthcare that can be provided.

Our objective is to improve health care and health outcomes by identifying problems, implementing

solutions and monitoring corrective actions for effectiveness. At CGMHS, CQI is a process that encourages

all health care team members to continuously ask the questions, “How are we doing?” and “Can we do it

better?” We encourage all employees to participate in the CQI process.

Disbarment Each year, CGMHS employees are required to certify that they have not been excluded, disbarred,

suspended, sanctioned or otherwise have become ineligible to participate in any federal, state, local, or

private healthcare program, including but not limited to, Medicare and Medicaid. Employees who have

been disbarred are precluded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) from working in

a healthcare facility that accepts Medicare and Medicaid payments.


Emergency Codes In case of an emergency in the building, CGMHS has established the following Codes to assure accurate

communications. A protocol has been established for each Code which will be shared with you during

orientation and annual safety training. Employees should report an incident in the building by calling the

switchboard at #3220. Tell the switchboard the code and location of the incident, if applicable.

Code White Visitor/ patient on the floor or needs medical help

Code Blue Respiratory or Cardiac Arrest

Code Green All Clear

Code Pink Infant Abduction

Code Adam Missing Child

Code Red Fire or Smoke

Code Orange Bomb Threat

Code Brown Hostage Situation or Unsafe Security Situation

Code Black Severe Weather

Ethical Behavior Trust is a critical component of healthcare effectiveness. In order to maintain our patients’ trust and the

trust of the public whose tax dollars support our mission, it is essential that CGMHS employees strive

toward the highest ethical standards achievable. This is true with respect to our business dealings, our

financial stewardship, our interactions with the community and certainly when it comes to serving our

patients. To this end, we are committed to complying with laws and regulations governing the delivery of

health services, billing for services, and laws of our community. We support patient rights including access

to care, informed consent, and privacy and confidentiality.

Assuring that these standards are met is the reason for the CGMHS Corporate Compliance Program. This

program is one mechanism by which CGMHS keeps its personnel informed regarding the legal obligations

we must meet. It is the responsibility of each employee to be mindful of compliance issues and to report

any suspected breach of our ethical standards.

Employees may report suspected violations anonymously by calling 930-3444. All reports will be

investigated. Retaliation against individuals who, in good faith, report suspected wrongdoing is


Gifts and Gratuities No employee may solicit gifts from patients, visitors, or suppliers. Additionally, no employee may accept

gifts from patients, visitors, or suppliers, unless such gifts are of nominal or little intrinsic value.

Kickbacks and Rebates Federal law prohibits receipt or solicitation of monetary or non-monetary goods and/or services or the

offer to pay remuneration (anything of value) in exchange for or as an inducement to refer an individual

for the furnishing of services or the purchase or lease of items, services or facilities paid for by Medicaid

or Medicare. Essentially, the law prohibits healthcare personnel, including physicians and physician


extenders, from profiting from referrals to any entity in which the individual making the referral has a

financial interest or from doing business with an entity with the purpose of profiting from the transaction

where federal funds are involved.

Protection and Use of Electronic Equipment and Databases Jefferson County and CGMHS provide technology, networks, and Internet/Intranet access for the specific

and limited purposes associated with its mission and business. The use of County and/or CGMHS

electronic equipment for purposes not related to the mission and business of the CGMHS or the personal

or unauthorized access, use, and/or disclosure of information, including but not limited to Protected

Health Information (PHI), maintained in any CGMHS database is prohibited.

Employees do not have a right of privacy with regard to any personal information stored on County or

CGMHS equipment, including electronic communications sent from or to CGMHS. To ensure that the use

of electronic and telephonic communications systems and business equipment is consistent with

legitimate County interests, equipment may be monitored from time to time.

It is the responsibility of every employee to protect CGMHS equipment and data to which they have

access. Downloading information from the Internet or using disks, CD's or other external devices should

be done with caution so as to avoid the introduction of malicious programs to networks and should only

be done as required to perform your job functions. The use of illegal, bootlegged, or pirated software is

prohibited. Introduction of software should be done only with the approval of Information Technology.

Information in CGMHS information systems is password protected. Your password provides access to

information related to your specific job functions; consequently, you should never share your password

with anyone else or allow anyone else to access CGMHS information systems using your password or other

access authorization.

Additionally, you should protect data from being inadvertently viewed by others by turning your

computer screen away from public view and by locking your computer and other media devices when

you leave your work area.

Employee Benefits CGMHS is interested in the health and well-being of its employees and in providing its employees a

satisfactory work-life balance. Consequently, we offer our employees time-off plans and an array of

sponsored benefits and voluntary benefits options.

Vacation Full-time employees accrue vacation according to the schedule below. Vacation leave accrued, but not

used, may be accumulated during the calendar year with no maximum. However, no more than 320 hours

of accrued vacation leave may be carried forward from one calendar year to the next, unless approved by

the Office of the County Manager. Employees accrue vacation from date of hire and may begin using it


following ninety (90) days of employment. An employee must work at least 15 days in the month during

which accrual is earned.

Years of Service Days/ Months Hours/ Month

Less than 12 1 8 12 but less than 25 1.5 12 25 or more 2 16

Sick Leave All full-time employees accrue sick leave at a rate of eight (8) hours per month or twelve (12) days per

year. Sick leave may be accumulated and carried forward from year to year with no maximum. Employees

accrue sick leave from date of hire and may begin using it following ninety (90) days of employment. An

employee must work at least 15 days in the month during which accrual is earned. Sick leave is considered

a privilege that, if abused, will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Employees calling in sick must speak directly with their supervisor and may not report off by text message,

voice mail, or email.

Holidays Employees are eligible for eleven (11) paid holidays each calendar year. The holidays observed may be

changed by the County Commission, but typically include the following.

New Year’s Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Eve 4th of July Day after Thanksgiving

Christmas Day Veterans Day MLK Birthday

Memorial Day Variable Day

If a holiday falls on Saturday, it is observed on the previous Friday. If a holiday falls on Sunday, it is

observed on the following Monday.

Health Insurance Full-time and part-time regular employees are eligible to participate in the County’s Blue Cross/Blue Shield

health insurance plan at subsidized rates. Both single and family coverage is available and no primary care

physician referral is necessary. In addition, your share of medical, as well as dental and vision, premium

costs are paid on a pre-tax basis. Human Resources can provide you with the current employee

participation rates.

Life Insurance and AD&D The County provides employees with both free term life insurance and Accidental Death and

Dismemberment in amounts of $50,000 each.


Deferred Compensation Several deferred compensation plans are offered to County employees through Nationwide, AXA Advisor,

Mass Mutual, or AIG VALIC. These are voluntary plans that permit employees to defer up to the current

IRS limit on a pre-tax basis.

Flexible Spending Accounts Flexible Spending Accounts allow full-time employees to pay for certain expenses relating to medical and

dependent care on a pre-tax basis. You decide how much of your gross income you want withheld each

pay period to cover eligible expenses during the year and this money is deducted before taxes are

calculated. Amounts deducted may be subject to IRS limitations. You may only enroll in or make changes

to Flexible Spending Accounts during annual open enrollment or if you have a change in family status.

New employees become eligible on the 31st day of active employment. Estimate carefully because,

pursuant IRS rules, any money left unused in your account at the end of the plan year is forfeited. Consult

Jefferson County Human Resources for plan details.

Optional and Voluntary Benefits The County offers employees three-tiered dental and vision plans – single, single + 1, and family. Human

Resources can provide you with the plan designs and current rates. Employees are eligible to enroll in

these plans at the time of hire or during annual open enrollment.

Other voluntary benefits that are available to employees include participation in a 529 College Savings

Program, Pre-Paid Legal Plan, Vacation Leave Bank, and Voluntary Life and Accident Insurance Plan. In

addition, AFLAC offers accident, cancer, hospital, and short and long-term disability insurance.

Retirement Jefferson County employees are required to participate in the County’s defined benefits pension plan.

Employees contribute 6% of earnings matched by the County. Employees retiring prior to ten (10) years

of service receive a lump sum refund of all individual contributions. After ten (10) years of service,

employees who separate from service have the option of receiving a lump sum refund with

compounded interest or may opt to receive monthly retirement payments upon reaching age 60.

Employees may retire at age sixty (60) with ten (10) years of service or at any age with thirty (30) years

of service.

Leaves of Absence

Administrative Leave CGMHS reserves the right to place any employee on Administrative Leave with or without pay and for any

reason deemed in the best interest of the organization. Administrative Leave is governed by the Rules and

Regulations of the Personnel Board of Jefferson County.


Family Medical Leave The rules and procedures surrounding Family Medical Leave (FML) are quite complex. Following is only a

brief summary. For detailed information, refer to the full-text of Jefferson County’s policy on Family

Medical Leave (Jefferson County Administrative Order 07-2) or speak with Human Resources. Failure to

follow procedure may jeopardize your ability to be approved for FML.

FML may be with or without pay; however, employees are required to use all accrued leave prior to going

on FML without pay. If you are on FML without pay, you may continue your health insurance by paying

your share of the premium.

FML runs concurrently with any other medically-related leaves of absence for which you may be approved.

Qualifying Events

County employees who are eligible under the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) may take

job-protected leave for up to twelve (12) weeks during a rolling twelve (12) month period for any

of the following reasons.

Birth of a child or the care of your child following birth

Placement of a child with you for adoption or foster care

To care for a family member who has a serious health condition. Family for purposes of this policy includes your spouse or domestic partner, your son, daughter or parent

Because of your own serious health condition which renders you unable to perform your essential job duties

Because of any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that a family member is a covered military member on active duty or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty in support of contingency operations

To care for a family member who suffers a serious illness or injury while in the line of military duty (FMLA allows for twenty-six (26) week of leave for this qualifying event)

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to take FML, you must have been employed for at least twelve (12) months, in total,

preceding your request and have worked at least 1,250 hours with Jefferson County during the

previous twelve (12) month period. If both you and your spouse work for the Jefferson County,

there may be restrictions that apply to the combined time you and your spouse may take.

Except in emergency situations, you are expected to give your supervisor at least thirty (30) days’ notice

of an impending leave, if at all possible.

Consult the County’s FML Policy for information concerning the payment of health insurance premiums

while on leave, medical certification, return to work requirements, and other FML details.

Jury Duty/ Witness in Court CGMHS believes jury duty is an important civic responsibility; consequently, employees will be granted

paid leave for the period stipulated in the jury duty summons. If you are called to duty, you must provide


a copy of your summons to your supervisor the next business day. You will be expected to return to work

on your next regularly scheduled workday after being dismissed from jury duty.

Likewise, an employee subpoenaed to serve as a witness in court during his or her regularly scheduled

workday will be allowed to do so. The employee must provide his or her supervisor with a copy of the

subpoena as soon as possible. The time away will be paid unless the employee is the plaintiff or defendant

in the case. Employees are expected to return to work immediately after being released as a witness.

Leave Without Pay Leaves of absence not covered by other leave provisions may be granted in certain limited situations. If

such a need arises, you should submit a request for unpaid leave of absence to your supervisor stating the

reason for and length of the leave request. Approval of a request for unpaid leave of absence is

determined on a case-by-case basis. A request for unpaid leave of absence must be submitted through

your supervisor to Human Resources and approval is at the sole discretion of management.

Leave without Pay includes Administrative Leave Without Pay, Career Development Leave, Extended

Medical/Disability Leave, Granted Leave Without Pay (GLWOP), Military Leave or Personal Leave.

Paid Injury Leave An employee who becomes unable to perform the essential functions of his or her job after sustaining an

on-the-job injury without fault or gross negligence on his or her part, may be granted Paid Injury Leave

(IWP) for up to 180 days according to the County’s Paid Injury Policy and the Rules and Regulations of the

Personnel Board of Jefferson County. IWP pays in addition to Worker’s Compensation (66 2/3%) at 33 1/3%

of salary. Refer also to “On-the-Job Injury/Illness” in this Handbook.

Unapproved Leave An employee who fails to follow proper procedures or instructions for reporting an absence(s) from

work may be considered Absent Without Leave (AWOL). AWOL is considered a serious abuse of leave

policies/procedures and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of


Time and Attendance

Hours of Work Normal operating hours are from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Urgent Care is open

from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday and on weekends from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm. Your

work hours may vary based on the needs of the organization and your specific assignment. Your assigned

shift will be shared with you by your supervisor.


Lunch and Breaks Depending on your assigned shift, you will be provided either a thirty (30) minute or one (1) hour lunch

break. If you are subject to the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), you are required

to take your lunch period as scheduled, to leave your work area, and to refrain from performing work

during this time. NOTE: Patient care always takes priority. If you are unable to break for lunch at your

scheduled time due to patient care responsibilities, notify your supervisor as soon as possible, so that an

adjustment can be made in your work schedule, if necessary.

To provide you an opportunity to relax and refresh yourself during the day, you will be allowed one (1)

paid 15 minute break, provided the work load in your assigned area permits it. Breaks are not

guaranteed, so before taking a break you should check with your supervisor. A lunch and break area

with vending machines is available to employees, patients, and visitors on the second floor.

Overtime While we appreciate the hard work and dedication of our employees, we must strictly adhere to wage

and hour law. Overtime may be required from time to time, but will be compensated in accordance with

applicable federal statutes. Except as might be required for patient care, as a matter of policy, no

employee who is eligible to receive overtime pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime

regulations may work in excess of forty (40) hours in a work week without prior approval from his or her

supervisor, even on a voluntary basis. Overtime eligible employees must not work prior to clocking in or

after clocking out. Working overtime without prior approval may result in disciplinary action, up to and

including termination of employment.

Pay Schedules CGMHS employees are subject to pay policies applicable to all Merit System employees. Every

classification in the Merit System is assigned to a pay grade by the Personnel Board of Jefferson County.

Each pay grade contains eight (8) or ten (10) pay steps with approximately a five percent (5%)

differential between each step and each grade. If Jefferson County elects to grant merit raises during a

fiscal year, raises of one (1) step are allowable on an employee’s anniversary date, if his or her

performance so warrants. The pay schedule applicable to Jefferson County employees is updated

periodically to reflect changes in the labor market. For more information on the policies that govern pay

and classification in the Merit System, consult the Rules and Regulations of the Personnel Board of

Jefferson County.

Paydays All CGMHS employees are paid on a biweekly basis. You may choose to receive a check or to have your

pay deposited to your bank account. Paychecks are distributed or deposited on the Friday following the

end of the biweekly pay period. If a payday falls on an official bank holiday, the payday is the working day

prior to that holiday. There are twenty-six (26) paydays in a calendar year.


Time Recording In order to accurately document time in and out for pay purposes, all overtime eligible employees are

required to swipe their identification badges through the electronic time and attendance system located

on the first and second floors. If you fail to clock in or out, you should notify your supervisor immediately.

Employees are prohibited from clocking in or out for other employees. Clocking another employee in or

out or repeatedly failing to clock yourself in or out at appropriate times may result in disciplinary action,

up to and including termination of employment.

You are required to wear your identification badge so that your name is visible throughout your work

shift. If you misplace or lose your badge, report it immediately to your supervisor and request a

replacement from Human Resources. There is a charge for replacement of lost badges.

Workweek A workweek runs from 7:00am on Saturday through 6:59am the following Saturday.

General Policies and Guidelines

Assignment of Duties CGMHS may change an employee’s shift, work schedule, department, work location, and/or work duties

as deemed necessary for the efficient management of the organization.

Bulletin Boards The employee bulletin board is located on the first floor by the service elevators. This bulletin board serves

as a general information center for all CGMHS personnel and contains notices of importance to


Continuing Education and Training Healthcare is constantly evolving. Consequently, Cooper Green Mercy Health Services values continuous

learning and encourages its employees to stay abreast of the latest developments, technologies, and

treatments in the field. CGMHS provides its employees in-service training and education opportunities

and encourages participation in training opportunities offered through the County and through the

Personnel Board of Jefferson County. Participation in professional conferences and seminars that advance

an employee’s knowledge in his or her field is equally recognized as important and will be considered

within budget limitations.

During orientation, all employees will be required to successfully complete training in Fire Safety and

Disaster Preparedness, Infection Control, and Corporate Compliance. In addition, all CGMHS employees

are required to successfully complete update training each year.


Courtesy and Fair Treatment The way patients and visitors are treated reflects on CGMHS as a place of comfort and understanding for

the sick, their families and friends. Your concern, helpfulness, and positive attitude will often be

remembered long after the patient’s visit. Courtesy to and fair treatment of patients, fellow employees,

and visitors are expected at all times.

Email County computers are provided for business purposes only and may not be used for personal reasons.

Email and Internet usage may be monitored for compliance with this policy.

Employee Entrances/ Exits From 7:00am until 7:00pm, Monday through Friday, CGMHS employees may enter and exit the facility

through any door EXECPT through Urgent Care. Employees should not use the Urgent Care doors, unless

necessary for conducting business. After hours, the building must only be entered or exited through the

stairwell next to the Urgent Care Clinic. (Revised February 10, 2015)

Employment Status Some benefits available to you as a Jefferson County employee as well as certain rights and privileges

afforded to you as an employee of the Merit System of Jefferson County are tied to your employment

status. More information on employment status and types of appointments can be found in the Rules and

Regulations of the Personnel Board of Jefferson County.

Full-time An employee who is appointed to work forty (40) hours in a work week on an indefinite


Full-time Regular An employee who is appointed to work forty (40) hours in a work week on an

indefinite basis and who has successfully completed his or her probationary period.

Part-time An employee who is appointed to work at least twenty (20) but less than forty (40)

hours in a work week on an indefinite basis.

Provisional An individual appointed on an interim basis to a full-time regular or part-time position

prior to the establishment of a hiring register by the Personnel Board of Jefferson County.

Students and Interns Intermittent appointments for a defined period that have the primary

purpose of affording students of public administration or other professional areas an opportunity

to gain actual work experience in public service. Appointments are not to exceed 1040 hours in

any calendar year.


Temporary An employee who is hired for no more than six (6) months with no expectation of


Employee Records Your employee records are maintained in the CGMHS Human Resources Department and at the Personnel

Board of Jefferson County. If you are interested in reviewing your personnel file at either location, you

will need to make an appointment with the appropriate office. A photo ID may be required at the time of

your visit.

Employment of Relatives CGMHS employees may not interpret policy and procedure or make any work-related decisions regarding

hiring, promotion, salary, job assignment, performance evaluation, discipline, termination, or any other

issue affecting a member of his or her family or another CGMHS employee living in the same household.

Exceptions to this policy must be requested in writing to the Director.

Family for purposes of this policy includes an employee’s spouse, children, parents, grandparents,

grandchildren, and siblings, as well as the employee’s spouse’s family. “Family” also includes step-


CGMHS reserves the right to apply this policy to other familial relationships that it deems to be

inadvisable relative to the intent of this policy.

Inclement Weather From time to time, the weather in Birmingham can make driving hazardous. Jefferson County will notify

you by email, phone call, and/or text, if County facilities are to be closed to the public. Go to

http://courthouse.jcc.jccal.org/ and click on the Add ENS Information link to verify and update your

contact information.

When the County is closed to the public, employees may report to work or may use accrued vacation, if

eligible, or otherwise may take leave without pay. If the County is not closed to the public, but an

employee is unable to report to work due to ice or snow or other weather related event, he/s should

contact his or her supervisor as soon as possible. If approved, he/s may use available vacation (if eligible)

or take leave without pay, if vacation time is not available.

Lost and Found Any patient or visitor items that are inadvertently left on the premises should be turned in to the Security

Department immediately. Security will make every effort to identify and contact the owner. Likewise,

patients or visitors looking for lost items should be directed to the Security Department. (Added 02/10/15)

Parking Parking is provided to CGMHS employees in the parking deck for a small monthly charge. Your CGMHS

identification badge will allow access to the deck. Employees who are assigned to park in the deck must


enter the deck by swiping their badge at one of the two employee entrances. Employees assigned to park

in the deck may not enter through the visitor’s entrance.

The parking area in front of the CGMHS building is for patient drop-off and pick-up only. Employees are

not to use this space under any circ*mstances for parking during normal working hours. Vehicles left

unattended in this restricted area are subject to being ticketed.

Personal Appearance Because we serve the public, employees are expected to wear appropriate business attire during normal

operating hours and at any outside events at which employees are representing the organization. Dress

codes may differ somewhat by job and by work area and some areas may require the wearing of uniforms.

If you have a question about appropriate dress in your area, ask your supervisor.

All employees are expected to be well groomed and practice good personal hygiene. CGMHS reserves the

right to ask any employee to change his or her attire before continuing work if the attire is deemed


While the definition of appropriate attire is left largely to each employee's discretion, generally the

following are not considered appropriate in the workplace: flip-flops, floppy hats, men’s open-toe sandals,

sun dresses, tube-tops, tank-tops, crop-tops, halter-tops, T-shirts, provocative, revealing, or ill-fitting

shirts, blouses, pants or skirts, clothes with objectionable or inflammatory slogans or insignias, torn jeans,

short pants, sweat shirts or sweat pants, jogging suits, or athletic wear.

Personal Telephone Calls Personal telephone calls during work are to be limited. CGMHS recognizes that occasionally an emergency

may occur while you are at work and you must be contacted by phone immediately. If you are in a patient

care area and must accept an emergency call, you should excuse yourself and move to a private area.

Otherwise, personal phone calls should be restricted to lunch and break times only.

Personnel Status Change Any change in your name, address, telephone number or other contact information must be promptly

reported to both your supervisor and to Human Resources. This information is essential for maintaining

accurate, updated personnel records and for emergency communications.

Personnel Board Examinations CGMHS encourages career growth and professional advancement. Job opportunities throughout the

Merit System of Jefferson County are posted on the JobsQuest website, which may be accessed at


Employees may attend scheduled examinations conducted by the Personnel Board of Jefferson County

during duty hours. If you wish to sit for an examination, you must notify your supervisor in writing as soon

as possible and not less than one week prior to the scheduled test date. Your attendance must be certified


by the PBJC test facilitator on the Testing Attendance Slip which can be provided to you by Human

Resources. You are expected to work your regularly scheduled hours before and after the test.

Failure to comply with these requirements may result in your not being paid for the time away from work.

Political Activity CGMHS employees may engage in political and civic activities and may support any political candidate,

entity, campaign, program, or action to the extent that such activity does not create a conflict of interest

or commitment, does not occur on CGMHS time or utilize CGMHS resources, and otherwise complies with

Rule 17 of the Rules and Regulations of the Personnel Board of Jefferson County.

Probationary Period All new Merit System employees serve a one (1) year probationary period. This time allows you to become

acclimated to your new environment and allows CGMHS to evaluate your suitability for the position to

which you have been appointed. During your probationary period, we are committed to providing you

needed training and support and your supervisor will evaluate your performance at periodic intervals as

a way of providing feedback and sharing expectations. Pursuant to Merit System rules, employees may be

terminated during the probationary period with no right of Merit System appeal.

Punctuality Because of the nature of our work, it is important that employees are on-the-job at their scheduled times.

This is particularly critical for employees in patient contact areas. Late arrivals and early departures can

disrupt the workplace and interfere with our ability to satisfactorily serve the public. Employees are

expected to arrive at work on time, clock in promptly, and to remain at work through their scheduled


Our patients come first. Employees in direct patient care positions should have contingency plans in place

to assure they can report to work on time when CGMHS is open for business, regardless of closures or

delays in opening of other businesses or of schools in the area. (Revised 01/02/15)

We recognize that, occasionally, events beyond your control may impact your ability to get to work on

time. If you find you are going to be unavoidably late, you should contact your supervisor immediately.

You will also need to obtain approval from your supervisor if you need to leave early. Repeatedly being

late to work or clocking out early may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of


Search of Property CGMHS reserves the right to conduct unannounced inspections of County owned desks, lockers, cabinets,

computers, and other physical or virtual storage containers. CGMHS also reserves the right to inspect

packages or parcels leaving the building.


Solicitation Neither employees nor vendors are allowed to solicit on any CGMHS premises, except as approved by

CGMHS administration. Unapproved solicitation for any purpose and unapproved selling of merchandise

in or on CGMHS premises is considered to be a violation of this policy. This policy extends to the

distribution of all types of printed matter without administrative approval and includes political

advertising and solicitation. Employees should immediately report solicitation by outside vendors or

visitors to security or to CGMHS administration.

Code of Conduct

Standards of Behavior Cooper Green Mercy Health Services seeks to maintain an environment conducive for business. All

employees are required to meet standards of performance and conduct which have been established for

their job.

Although not an all-inclusive list, following are examples of behaviors, deficiencies, or offenses that may

result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Employees should also

consult Rule 12 of the Rules and Regulations of the Personnel Board of Jefferson County for information

concerning their rights and responsibilities as Merit System employees in relation to disciplinary actions.

Unsatisfactory job performance

Inability to maintain satisfactory working relationships

Willful and/or gross misconduct

Unauthorized absence from work area or arriving late to work or leaving early repeatedly and/or without supervisory approval


Forgery or falsification of documents

Attempted or accomplished theft of CGMHS or other employee’s property

Illegal use or possession of controlled substances

Bringing a firearm or other weapon into or onto a CGMHS property or facility, except where otherwise permitted by law

Causing a disturbance in the office that adversely affects the proper and efficient operation of CGMHS

Falsification of time worked/unauthorized altering of a time card/clocking in or out for another individual

Reporting to work in an unfit condition to perform duties

Failure to report to work for three (3) consecutive days without adequate justification

Violation of safety rules

Negligence in patient care

Defacing, abusing, or misusing CGMHS property

Immoral conduct or indecency

Gambling on CGMHS property

Unauthorized access to, use, or release of confidential information


Conflict of interest/commitment

Violence, threat of violence, or the display of threatening behavior

Disrespectful behavior toward any CGMHS employee, patient, or visitor


Failure to comply with established CGMHS or Jefferson County policy or procedure

Refusal to cooperate fully and truthfully in any internal investigation

Progressive Discipline Cooper Green Mercy Health Services’ policies and procedures are intended to facilitate productivity and

satisfactory working relationships. Whenever possible and feasible, CGMHS will work with an employee

through a progressive disciplinary process to resolve issues involving breach of policy or procedure or

violations of standards of behavior or performance as a means of both documenting and calling attention

to the seriousness of the conduct. The following are approved progressive disciplinary steps. Jefferson

County reserves the right to impose any level of progressive discipline it deems appropriate and

commensurate with the violation.

Oral Counseling - Used for first time or minor violations or to call attention to performance deficits.

Written Notice - May be given after repeated violations of policy or failure to meet performance goals or

for serious first time misconduct.

Suspension - With the approval of Human Resources and the County Manager’s Office, may be imposed

for repeated violations after written warning or for serious first time misconduct.

Discharge/Demotion - May occur for repeated violations of policy, failure to perform, or in the event of

first time incidents of gross misconduct. Discharge and demotion actions involving regular employees are

subject to Merit System due process procedures and must be approved by County Human Resources and

by the County Manager’s Office.

Jefferson County may terminate any employee during the initial 12 months of employment with or

without notice or cause. Following the initial 12 months of employment, the termination of full-time

regular employees is subject to the Civil Service procedures set forth in the Rules and Regulations of the

Personnel Board of Jefferson County.

Grievance Procedure While CGMHS hopes that all of its employees are satisfied with their work and with their work

environment, we recognize that conflicts sometimes arise in the workplace. When this happens, CGMHS

will make every attempt to resolve the conflict informally.

If you experience a problem, we encourage you to talk it over with your supervisor. If you are unable to

reach a satisfactory resolution at that level, you are encouraged to advance the issue to your Department

Manager, then to Human Resources.


In the event you are still not satisfied, you have a formal written grievance procedure available to you as

a regular Merit System employee. You may consult the Rules and Regulations of the Personnel Board of

Jefferson County for a detailed explanation of the procedure.

Separation from Service

COBRA The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) gives employees and their qualified

dependents who lose their health benefits the right to continue group health benefits for limited periods

of time and under certain circ*mstances, such as voluntary or involuntary job loss, reduction in hours

worked, transition between jobs, death, divorce, or other qualifying life events. Employees will be

required to pay the entire premium for coverage at the group rate, which may also include an

administrative fee. COBRA generally continues for a period up to eighteen (18) months, but may continue

longer under limited circ*mstances. Within thirty (30) days of separation, employees will be provided

written notice describing their rights under COBRA.

Exit Interviews CGMHS and Jefferson County are interested in your employment experience and in making sure that you

are fully aware of your rights and responsibilities as a separating employee, such as the availability of

COBRA coverage, your options to withdraw your pension contributions, and any benefits conversion

options you might have. Consequently, the Human Resources Department will generally conduct exit

interviews at the time of termination of employment.

Notice Requirements In the event you choose to voluntarily resign from CGMHS, you are expected to give your supervisor at

least fifteen (15) calendar days’ written notice. If you fail to provide adequate notice you may adversely

affect your standing with Merit System and your eligibility for rehire in the future. At the time of

separation, you will be expected to return all CGMHS property that was issued to you, such as cell phones,

identification badges, laptop computers, etc.

Employees who have successfully completed their initial twelve (12) months of employment and resign

with proper notice or otherwise leave CGMHS in good standing are eligible to be paid for accrued vacation

up to a maximum of 320 hours. In addition, a regular employee who separates from service after five (5)

years of service may receive terminal pay for 50% of the first 480 hours of accrued sick leave. Consult Rule

13.19 of the Rules and Regulations of the Personnel Board of Jefferson County for further detail.

Sick Leave Conversion To encourage conservation and responsible use of paid sick leave, the County offers a retirement

conversion benefit. This benefit allows retiring employees who have at least fifteen (15) years of service

with the County to receive a retirement service credit. Employees electing the retirement credit may

remain on the payroll, but are “off duty” and do not report to work for the period of the service credit.

(Jefferson County Administrative Order 92-08)


Workplace Safety

General Safety CGMHS takes workplace safety very seriously. To the extent possible, it is the intent of CGMHS to provide

a safe and healthy working environment for our employees. For this reason, we have safety rules and

procedures in place that are generally applicable to all employees, as well as rules and procedures that

are occupationally specific. Training is provided on a periodic basis to provide employees with the

knowledge and tools necessary to reduce the risks associated with their work responsibilities to the lowest

level practicable. All CGMHS employees are expected to participate in safety training and drills.

Protecting your safety and health, as well as the safety and health of our patients, visitors, and guests, is

a joint responsibility. You are expected to observe all CGMHS safety rules, including those that are

particular to your occupation. The CGMHS has policies and procedures relating to exposure to hazardous

materials, including medical waste disposal, exposure control, and chemical hazards, as well as to the

proper and safe use of medical equipment. Your supervisor is responsible for making you aware of any

job-related hazards and/or any hazardous materials associated with your job. It is your responsibility to

be familiar with and follow all safety procedures and to satisfactorily complete all safety training related

to your job classification.

You are responsible for reporting unsafe working conditions or the failure of others to observe CGMHS

safety rules or procedures to your supervisor or to Human Resources as soon as you become aware of

possible infractions.

Housekeeping All employees are expected to maintain their work areas and offices in a neat, safe and professional

manner. Reasonable care should be taken to avoid falls and trips by keeping walking spaces clear and

clutter-free. Hallways, office doorways and building entrances and exits should never be blocked or

obstructed. Electrical outlets should not be overloaded.

On-the-Job Injury/ Illness Even with reasonable safeguards in place, occasionally a workplace injury or occupational illness will

occur. You should report ANY accident or incident that occurs on the job or any illness you believe is

directly job-related to your supervisor immediately. Accidents should be reported regardless of injury.

Even if there is no immediate indication of injury, failure to report and/or failure to follow prescribed

protocol may result in denial of injury with pay benefits should a future problem develop.

On-the-job injury/illness is administered by Jefferson County Finance - Risk Management Department.

Following are the actions that should be taken if you are exposed to potentially hazardous materials, hurt

or injured on the job to ensure Workers’ Compensation claims are handled properly. A complete text of

the On-the-Job Injury/Incident Reporting Procedures is available on the Jefferson County Intranet site and

should be consulted in the event of an injury/incident.


1. You must complete part one of the Employee Injury/Incident Report within 48 hours of the

incident and your supervisor must complete and sign part two. The form is then forwarded to the

Risk Management Department.

2. If the incident involves exposure to blood or body fluids, you must complete the Employee

Exposure to Blood and/or Body Fluids Report and forward this form along with the Employee

Injury/Incident Report to the Risk Management Department.

3. All employees who are injured on the job or who claim to have been injured on the job will be

required to take a drug test immediately or as soon as possible after the incident or injury is


4. During normal business hours report all injuries to your supervisor as well as to the Risk

Management Department immediately. If a job-related injury occurs after normal business hours,

on holidays, or on weekends report the injury immediately to your supervisor. Unless

circ*mstantially unfeasible, you must personally notify the Risk Management Department of the

injury the next business day. Following a review of the injury, the Risk Manager may refer you to

an authorized physician/facility specializing in occupational injuries/illnesses.

6. If a job-related injury occurs after normal business hours, on holidays or on weekends and you

need medical attention, call I AM HURT (426-4878). The on-call nurse will tell you to report to the

Brookwood Medical Center ER and she will meet you there. If the injury is life threatening, the

nearest emergency room may be used. However, Brookwood Medical Center and St. Vincent’s

Hospital are the preferred Emergency Departments.

Risk Management Office:

Downtown Courthouse

716 Richard Arrington Jr., Blvd. N

Room A-440

Birmingham, AL 35203

Phone: 325-4891 or 214-5509

Fax: 581-7596

Security CGMHS attempts to maintain as safe and secure an environment as possible and takes your personal

safety and security very seriously. Consequently, CGMHS maintains a security staff 24/7. Because we are

a public facility, employees are advised to secure their personal belongings at all times, to be observant

of their surroundings, and to take the same precautions they would in any similar public environment.

If you need to contact our Security Department, they may be reached at #3347. In the event of an unsafe

security situation, you may also call the switchboard at #3200 with a Code Brown alert. (See “Emergency

Codes” in the Corporate Compliance section of this handbook). Security cameras are strategically located

throughout the building, as well as in the parking deck. As an additional security measure, silent


emergency alarms are located in a number of public contact areas that will immediately alert security of

a possible incident.

Smoking As a healthcare organization, CGMHS is committed to promoting good health habits; consequently,

CGMHS is a non-smoking facility. The use of tobacco products and the use of electronic smoking (vaping)

products inside any CGMHS facility is strictly prohibited. Employees, patients, and visitors who wish to

smoke may do so outside and at least twenty (20) feet from any entrances. (Birmingham City Ordinance


Use of Alcohol and Drugs CGMHS has a vital interest in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for its employees, patients, and

for the public who visit our clinics and offices. Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol on the job

poses serious safety and health risks to the user and to all those who work with or around the user.

CGMHS is a Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace; consequently, the use, sale, purchase, transfer, or

possession of illegal drugs on CGMHS property or the use or possession, or being under the influence of

alcohol on CGMHS property is strictly prohibited. As a drug-free workplace, the CGMHS maintains the

right to conduct both scheduled and random drug testing of employees serving in safety-sensitive

positions and to conduct drug testing of any employee following an on-the-job accident. Employees who

refuse drug testing will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Vaccinations and Immunizations Alabama Infected Health Care Worker Act

The Act mandates that any health care worker infected with the immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or

hepatitis B Virus (HBV) who performs an invasive procedure or any physician providing care to an

infected health care worker shall notify the State Health Officer, or his designee, of the infection. The

purpose of the Act is to prevent transmission of HIV or HBV to patients during an invasive procedure.

Hepatitis B Immunization

Employees who are deemed to be at risk of occupational exposure to blood or other potentially

infectious body materials must have written documentation of one of the following. The list of job

classifications subject to this policy may be obtained from Human Resources.

(1) Dates of hepatitis B vaccine series

(2) Proof of hepatitis B immunity

(3) Request to obtain the hepatitis B vaccine series

(4) Refusal of hepatitis B vaccine

Immunity to Rubella/Rubeola

All new employees must provide proof of rubella immunity through documentation of titers or

rubella vaccine. All new employees who were born in 1957 or later are required to provide

documentation of rubeola (measles). Employees who cannot provide documentation, must be tested

and/or immunized.


Influenza Vaccination

All Cooper Green Mercy Health Services employees are required to be vaccinated against influenza

each year. The flu shot is provided to employees free of charge in the fall. Employees who do not

receive their flu shot at CGMHS must provide evidence of vaccination to Human Resources. Under

limited circ*mstances, waivers may be granted; however, an employee who receives a waiver must

wear a mask during flu season when in the presence of patients and employees.

Tuberculosis Screening

Employees who have not had a prior positive tuberculosis skin test must have tuberculosis skin

testing performed at the time of hire and annually thereafter.

Any employee who has had a prior positive reaction will be required to have an initial chest x-ray.

Annually thereafter, such employees will be screened using a checklist to determine whether symptoms

are present that may be predictive of active TB. (Revised 02/10/2015)

Workplace Violence/ Firearms CGMHS has a policy of zero tolerance for violence. Any act of physical or verbal violence, threat of

violence, or the display of threatening behavior toward a CGMHS employee, patient, guest, or visitor may

result in immediate removal from CGMHS property and disciplinary action up to and including termination

of employment.

Likewise, CGMHS prohibits any firearms in any CGMHS facility or on any CGMHS property, except for the

limited circ*mstances allowable by Alabama Act 2013-283 and with the exception of law enforcement

and security personnel. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including

termination of employment.

Employee Handbook - Jefferson County, Alabamajeffconline.jccal.org/Sites/Jefferson_County/Documents...EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK 1515 6th Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35233 205-930-3200 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.