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XavierMike04-23-15 11:10 AM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Nope, Smash only.

Adam Tyner04-23-15 11:46 AM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

I'm holding out hope that it might be used in future games, especially since the Wii U controllers don't have analog triggers and could complicate remasters of GameCube games like Super Mario Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion.

mattysemo24704-23-15 11:47 AM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Well damn, that was a sh*tty design on their part. Is there a chance they could patch it later to work with other VC games?

slop10104-23-15 12:09 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

When's the goddamn Yoshi game coming out already!

mattysemo24704-23-15 12:31 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

It's been going in and out of stock on Amazon today, is it worth grabbing one? Is it a limited run thing?

Adam Tyner04-23-15 12:33 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Originally Posted by mattysemo247(Post 12460910)

Well damn, that was a sh*tty design on their part. Is there a chance they could patch it later to work with other VC games?

The way the adapter works is apparently really straightforward. (Some emulators already accept that adapter, even.) It's just a matter of Nintendo allowing more games to accept it for input. That adapter itself is not a stumbling block.

Originally Posted by mattysemo247(Post 12460963)

It's been going in and out of stock on Amazon today, is it worth grabbing one? Is it a limited run thing?

It's been a bitch to find but is starting to be a little more plentiful. I would like to think that if GameCube VC games are something Nintendo wants to pursue in the future, it'll be easier to find. If you're not interested in using the GameCube controller in Smash, I think you could put that $20 to better use elsewhere.

Originally Posted by slop101(Post 12460938)

When's the goddamn Yoshi game coming out already!

Nintendo of America is delaying it to Fall even though it's coming out everywhere else in the world in June (!). The delay is strictly marketing related. (I'm guessing it's because NoA wants to keep the Splatoon train going into June.)

slop10104-23-15 02:41 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Originally Posted by Adam Tyner(Post 12460967)

Nintendo of America is delaying it to Fall even though it's coming out everywhere else in the world in June (!). The delay is strictly marketing related. (I'm guessing it's because NoA wants to keep the Splatoon train going into June.)

Goddammit! There's nothing in the summer, but already a sh*t load in the fall. How import-friendly is the U?

Adam Tyner04-23-15 03:58 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Originally Posted by slop101(Post 12461170)

Goddammit! There's nothing in the summer, but already a sh*t load in the fall. How import-friendly is the U?

Not friendly at all.

I agree that the Q3/Q4 schedule is (by Nintendo standards) pretty overstuffed, and I wouldn't be surprised if another title or two slips into 2016 just to even things out.

slop10104-23-15 04:44 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

I meant just videogame releases in general. We need more releases in the Summer and less in the Fall as it is, and now Nintendo is just holding sh*t back, sh*t that's ready to go? I know they don't normally care about competition from other consoles, but that's what's going to eat into their sales if they wait.

Adam Tyner04-24-15 11:05 AM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Nintendo sez:

Visit http://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct on Friday, April 24, at 11:00 a.m. PT / 2:00 p.m. ET for a video showcase about Xenoblade Chronicles X, an upcoming open-world role-playing game for the Wii U console. And keep watching after the showcase for a Nintendo Treehouse: Live presentation featuring the game. These videos will be available in English only.

stingermck04-24-15 11:24 AM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Yeah I never understood the summer lull in game releases. People have more time for sh*t, but nope no games. Everything loaded in the fall just for holiday sales and then there is too much to play.

Adam Tyner04-24-15 11:33 AM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

I think it's because trends over the years have long indicated that summer is dismal for game sales, and the major publishers are too afraid to roll the dice even though it's such a self-fulfilling prophecy. (Y'know, no new games == weak sales.) We've seen some big summer games, though. The Last of Us was a colossal hit in June '13, and we have Arkham Knight coming this June, but that's such an exception to the "everything in spring/fall" rule. July always has it the worst, and August basically just seems to be Madden territory.

It used to be conventional wisdom that January was a wasteland of awful movies, and that's turned around somewhat in recent years, so maybe something similar will happen for games when the holidays get impossibly crowded.

EinCB04-26-15 09:45 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

I used my Pro Controller for the first time today. I sync my controller and I can move the cursor around with the Pro Controller, but when I go back to play Super Smash Bros, there's no response. When I press the sync button on the back of it, the four lights start blinking. How can I fix this?

Adam Tyner04-27-15 09:56 AM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

New preview of Yoshi's Woolly World, courtesy of Nintendo Life:

<iframe width="630" height="355" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/zuoA9WOgzuw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

GoNintendo's summary:

- enemies cannot be simply unraveled with Yoshi's tongue, but instead have to be bested by first being bound in wool and then jumped upon
- enemies with the likes of Shy Guy, Nipper Plant, Lakitu, and Gusty
- every enemy has been rendered beautifully to reflect the artistic style whilst retaining the look and feel
- writer praises visuals highly
- Yoshi has a more traditional health bar and takes damage as you'd expect him to
- able to recover health by collecting hearts that have a distinct resemblance to the jumping star collectables from previous Yoshi games
- Handles essentially identically to previous games in the series, with Yoshi's iconic tongue being his primary method of despatching enemies
- Yoshi doesn't consume enemies and turn them into eggs, rather he unravels them and turns them into balls of wool
- can be used to bind larger enemies made of materials other than wool, create warp pipes, boxes, platforms, and many other parts of the world to help Yoshi achieve his goal
- also uncover hidden areas simply by unraveling them via a loose bow, revealing secret passageways or hidden items
- plently of collectibles throughout the journey
- Flowers allow you to achieve 100% in a stage and access a mini-game to garner more Beads
- Beads are used as a generic currency and can be used to buy special badges that can assist you in a level
- Stamp Patches are used to unlock Stamps to use on Miiverse once a certain amount have been collected
- collecting all five Wonder Wools in a level unlocks a new Yoshi design to use throughout any and every level should you so desire
- ranging from Flower Yoshi and Circus Yoshi to one that's based upon the Shy Guy enemy
- Yoshi can transform into an umbrella, a mole, a giant version of himself, and a motorbike
- these transformations occur a few times per world and task you with reaching a goal within a certain time limit, or face having to restart it all again
- Mellow Mode doesn't remove all the challenge from the game
- difference in Mellow Mode is that you control Winged Yoshi whose Flutter Jump is replaced by the ability to float at Yoshi's current height indefinitely
- easier to play in this mode, but you'll still take damage and failing a level is still a very real possibility
- you can have a friend join in the fun as a second Yoshi
- run around simultaneously in an effort to reach the goal, and should you run out of balls of wool, one Yoshi can be used as a short-range substitute

chess04-27-15 10:55 AM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Got the new WiiU hooked up over the weekend. It's in my son's room but is still close enough that I can play on the gamepad, which is a bit cooler than I expected. I have a cross-country move coming up, and I could actually see me bringing the WiiU in the car for the drive. That's kind of brilliant. But I still would have preferred a more traditional controller and a cheaper console.

I only got Smash Bros and Mario 3D, so I don't have much to go on since I don't play Smash. Mario 3D seemed alright in the few levels I played but nowhere near Mario Galaxy, which was my favorite series of last generation.

Despite the strong first party line-up on paper, I'm really struggling to think of anything else that I desperately want. Kart looks great, and I'll surely get it when I catch a deal. And I'm looking forward to Zelda and hopefully a proper Metroid at some point, but right now, what am I missing?

Bayonetta isn't really my kind of game FWIW, and I'll look into W101.

Adam Tyner04-27-15 11:09 AM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Originally Posted by chess(Post 12464319)

Got the new WiiU hooked up over the weekend. It's in my son's room but is still close enough that I can play on the gamepad, which is a bit cooler than I expected.

The gamepad looks a lot better and is much more comfortable to play than I ever would've guessed.

Originally Posted by chess(Post 12464319)

but right now, what am I missing?

I think The Wonderful 101 is something you'd have to rent to get a good feel for. It's longer than you'd expect, it can be really, really repetitive, and some of the battles where the bosses have, like, eighteen different health bars can be an endless slog to get through. I didn't have the control issues that a lot of people did, though I suggest using the right thumbstick to "draw" rather than the gamepad. If you're not into the idea of a Bayonetta-style beat-'em-up, I don't think The Wonderful 101 would be for you either, although it is less platform-y.

As far as exclusives go, I'd suggest taking a look at Pikmin 3 and Wind Waker HD for sure. I couldn't get into ZombiU, though maybe I didn't give it a fair enough shot, but it's on many folks' list of favorites on the console. Load times aside, I've heard nothing but good things about Lego City Undercover, although I haven't played that one myself. (It's on my list!) Your lack of interest in Bayonetta would presumably exclude Monster Hunter and Hyrule Warriors, although I haven't played either of those. (Hyrule Warriors is also on my list.) I think your platformer fix is probably covered for now, but New Super Mario Bros. U is decent enough, New Super Luigi U is different enough to stand as its own game, and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is terrific if you're looking for a challenge. Rayman Legends isn't an exclusive, but the Wii U is arguably the ideal platform for it. Most of Game and Wario is pretty lousy, but a couple of the minigames (Sketch in particular) make me glad I own it. I can see you being into Affordable Space Adventures. NES Remix Deluxe is great for picking up and playing for minutes at a time. My wife is having a lot of fun with Pushmo World, although we're pretty early into it. I'm kind of excited about the puzzle creation aspect of it. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse would be great for a car ride since the controls require using the gamepad anyway. I could keep going, but that's probably a good start. :)

chess04-27-15 12:00 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Thanks for the write-up Adam. DKC was the one I had forgotten. :up:

I like Kirby, but Canvas Curse never really grabbed me, and I love Zelda, but I still have access to Wind Waker and thought it was already gorgeous...so maybe later?

Rayman Legends is awesome along with other cross-platform titles like Steamworld Dig and Shovel Knight, but anything that's on both WiiU and PS4 is more likely to get purchased on PS4 for a whole variety of reasons, the most important being controller preference and the fact that the PS4 is in the living room. I also prefer having game ownership tied to my account rather than my console, unless Nintendo has changed that.

Here's an IGN top-25 I looked up that seems to do a pretty good job even if it's a year old. It's just missing Smash Bros, AFAIK.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LU0djwj7O4U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

bippitty04-27-15 03:58 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Originally Posted by chess(Post 12464407)

I also prefer having game ownership tied to my account rather than my console, unless Nintendo has changed that.

It is tied to the NNID, but the NNID is locked to one Wii U. To move to a new Wii U, you must do a system transfer which removes everything from the old Wii U. If you don't have the old Wii U (it got broken, sold, or stolen), you must call Nintendo and ask them to move your NNID to the new Wii U.

Originally Posted by Adam Tyner(Post 12464339)

I think your platformer fix is probably covered for now, but New Super Mario Bros. U is decent enough, New Super Luigi U is different enough to stand as its own game,

A refurbished disc of NSMBU + NSLU is currently available from Nintendo for $33.

EinCB04-27-15 05:23 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Ugh, I have to send in my new Pro Controller for a repair. No one seems to know what's wrong with it. :(

Adam Tyner04-27-15 06:10 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Originally Posted by the General(Post 12464000)

I used my Pro Controller for the first time today. I sync my controller and I can move the cursor around with the Pro Controller, but when I go back to play Super Smash Bros, there's no response.

I can't say for sure since it's been so long since I set my controller up. I can say that before every game, you'll need to press A on the pro controller, and you'll see a single LED light up on the controller, indicating which player it thinks you are. Try doing this when the game is starting up -- when you see the static graphic for that game filling the screen. I don't think there's a way to tell the Wii U that you want to use the pro controller for everything by default.

EinCB04-27-15 06:35 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Originally Posted by Adam Tyner(Post 12464838)

I can say that before every game, you'll need to press A on the pro controller, and you'll see a single LED light up on the controller, indicating which player it thinks you are. Try doing this when the game is starting up -- when you see the static graphic for that game filling the screen.

I tried that. I ended up getting destroyed by Rosalina & Luma. :lol:

The Wii U does recognize my Pro Controller. I tried a match and the communications kept on interrupting me. A shame, I was really looking forward to playing Smash Bros. I don't feel comfortable using the Game Pad.

chess04-28-15 10:16 AM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

Originally Posted by bippitty(Post 12464692)

It is tied to the NNID, but the NNID is locked to one Wii U. To move to a new Wii U, you must do a system transfer which removes everything from the old Wii U. If you don't have the old Wii U (it got broken, sold, or stolen), you must call Nintendo and ask them to move your NNID to the new Wii U.

Exactly. This system needs to die in a fire.

And while they're at it, how about some cross buy action for Wii, WiiU and 3Ds on their virtual console library?

"Evil Nintendo" ;)

bippitty04-29-15 11:25 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

I got the refurbished Mario Kart + Remote + Wheel bundle from Nintendo for $60. Everything was pristine except the remote. It works as it should, I assume, but it has some scratches on the front. Acceptable for a refurb. My biggest annoyance is the big refurbished product banner across the front cover. Right across Mario's kart. Anywhere on the back would have been fine.

Michael Corvin04-29-15 11:37 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

My refurb 3DS came in and it's flawless. Color me impressed. :up:

EinCB04-30-15 03:10 PM

Re: The Wii U: From "cool" Sony to evil Nintendo

No wonder my Pro Controller didn't work - it's a counterfeit! Ugh, so disappointed.

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