4-Ingredient CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM (Paleo, Keto, Vegan) (2024)

Updated · 33 Comments

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4-Ingredient Dark Chocolate Ice Cream is literally as good as it gets. Perfect for Paleo, Keto, Vegan, GAPS and Low Carb, this ice cream is hard to stop eating! Indulge in the best with happily one of the easiest ice cream recipes! (AIP easy variation included.)

4-Ingredient CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM (Paleo, Keto, Vegan) (1)

All of the versions of this ice cream are dairy-free. You’ll never miss the dairy!

The variations are mostly about the sweetener used, plus the AIP variation.

Keto and Low Carb version of 4-Ingredient Chocolate Ice Cream

When I made this ice cream for our café, I’d use hardwood derived xylitol. But today most low carbers much prefer erythritol products, so I recommend Powdered Erythritol, because it dissolves the best (this one).

The nutrional data below is for the low carb version of this recipe.

Paleo and Vegan version of 4-Ingredient Chocolate Ice Cream

For the Paleo and Vegan versions of this recipe we’ll use pure maple syrup. It’s hard to beat pure maple syrup with dark chocolate and full-fat coconut milk. These flavors are so rich and special together.

GAPS and AIP variation of 4-Ingredient Chocolate Ice Cream

For GAPS, we’ll use honey as our sweetener, super lovely.

My family ate this ice cream for years while on the GAPS diet. I’d make special GAPS waffles from my cookbook, or the crêpes, and we’d eat this for breakfast. Yep. Not sure what Mom award that earns me (bad or good?), but we deeply enjoyed ourselves. 😉

For AIP, we’ll sub roasted carob (find it here) for the cocoa.

Quick Step

Although I’m a big fan of making ice cream without a custard (no pot, no heating), part of this recipe needs a brief heating. We heat because that’s how the cocoa flavor blooms (and digests best). Taking the time to heat the cocoa means we get the deep, dark chocolate flavor that makes this ice cream so transporting.

We don’t heat all of the ingredients, so the whole recipe still comes together super fast, no long cooling period.

4-Ingredient CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM (Paleo, Keto, Vegan) (2)

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4-Ingredient Dark Chocolate Ice Cream {dairy-free, refined sugar-free}

4-Ingredient Dark Chocolate Ice Cream is a chocolate lover's fantasy. This ice cream is hard to stop eating!! Enjoy: perfect for Paleo, Keto, Vegan, GAPS, Low Carb with AIP variation.

Prep Time10 minutes mins

Resting Time and Freezing Time40 minutes mins

Total Time50 minutes mins

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American, Italian

Keyword: chocolate ice cream, low carb, paleo, vegan

Servings: 4 servings

Calories: 31kcal

Author: Megan

Cost: $7




  • Place the cocoa in a small heatproof bowl.

  • Add the boiling water and whisk until well mixed. Allow to cool for 15 minutes.

  • Place coconut milk, cooled cocoa “ganache”, sweetener and vanilla in a blender. Purée until smooth, scraping down the sides, if necessary.

  • Freeze in an ice cream maker, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Find Fair Trade Cocoa HERE.

Find Powdered Erythritol HERE.

For AIP, find the best Organic Roasted Carob Powder HERE.

The nutritional data given below is for the Keto, Low Carb version of this recipe.


Calories: 31kcal | Carbohydrates: 6g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 3mg | Potassium: 164mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 1g | Calcium: 14mg | Iron: 1.5mg

Chocolate Ice Cream’s History

17th century Italy is where chocolate ice cream first came to be! Ices per popular in the day, as were hot chocolates, often spiked with spices, so the two came together eventually.

Chocolate ice cream hit America in the late 1800s.

Today, the best thing we can do when enjoying chocolate is to always buy Fair Trade. Hard to believe, but there are still children enslaved in West Africa for companies like Hershey’s. Do your part when you adore treats like this one, and choose Fair Trade for the love of our fellow humans and to change suffering. HERE‘s a great cocoa powder to enjoy! I’ve got mine on auto-ship, so it keeps arriving every couple of months. 🙂

4-Ingredient CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM (Paleo, Keto, Vegan) (3)

What’s your favorite way to eat ice cream?

This recipe is SUPER good on its own. But if you love ice cream as much as I do with waffles, here are some great Paleo, GAPS, Keto waffle recipes for a breakfast feast:

  • Paleo, GAPS, Keto Waffles
  • Chocolate Chaffles
  • Chaffle Ice Cream Sandwiches … try make them with this Chocolate Ice Cream!
4-Ingredient CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM (Paleo, Keto, Vegan) (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.